Does anybody know of any medical issues that can result from be? I've checked online, and all I can find is rupturing, which, yes I understand not to rupture my balls, that makes sense. I am having trouble finding any medical data for any answers. Most are either on one extreme(you'll be sterile, your nuts will fall off, and you will die) or the other(I've been having my balls busted for 20 years, and nothing has ever happened). Does anybody have personal experience with serious injury or sterility, or more importantly, any medical data about any effects. I know it's not the healthiest thing, but I feel if you don't go to hard, even fairly frequent be sessions shouldn't be to bad for the boys.

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Buncha folks on here have had plenty of hard hits with no ill effects. Best advice I can offer is not to trap them and smash them too often. That's where the injuries happen. Couple members here have lost one. If you use the search function, you can find their stories. 

Slaps, kicks, punches, etc, as long as they are allowed to move around I've never heard of premanent injury from that. 

Heres the thing, you could get kicked in the balls 349504905 times and be fine, but someone who may get kicked once might be made sterile I don't think it matters how many times you have been kicked or for how long just if it's pure bad luck from one impact

I've been kicked so hard by this one chick that I got a testicular contusion on my left nut. Ever since then, I get a dull pain occasionally in my left nut. But this is probably because what Liquid was saying. She was kicking me from behind and my balls had no where to go. She was basically crushing my balls between her foot and my pelvis. It hurt so bad but it was super hot lol



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