UPDATED: September 14, 2010.

Q. Do you like to kick balls?
A. OF COURSE I like it otherwise I'd not be here

Q. Have you ever busted balls?
A. Yes

Q. How many?
A. They come in pairs of two, usually -.-

Q. How old were you when you busted first?
A. 34, i started to make my interests come true this year and i regret that i have not done this way earlier. KITG
has helped me in various ways to make me chase my dreams

Q. Are you also interested in Cyber busting?
A. No.

Q. Or other cyber sex?
A. No

Q. Or BB picture / video exchange?
A. No

Q. Are you strong?
A. Not really

Q. Do you kick hard?
A. Hard enough for you

Q. Do you like to kick my balls?
A. I cant tell because i dont even know who you are

Q. What, if i offer you to hurt my balls real bad?
A. Im a ballbusteress not a maniac and I consider the guy my partner not my victim

Q. Do you have a regular busting partner?
A. no

Q. Can i be your regular busting partner, do you seek one?
A. My regular would be a friend not a random person in a chat room >_>

Q. What do you look like?
A. My profile pic is me -.-

Q. Can you send me bigger photos of yours? (Asks the person lacking any profile pic)?
A. I dont send stuff like that

Q. Do you want to see photos of my **** in exchange for photos of you?
A. Your face would be more spectacular but you aint got the balls for that, ha, pwned!

Q. Are you bisexual?
A. Yes

Q. So, did you ever ballbust a girl?
A. That would be a cuntbust, you expert, and no i have not met any girl yet who would let me experience this.

Q. What is it you love about Ballbusting?
A. I like it because its a different way of sex.

Q. Would you bust every random man who wants?
A. Only if he'd pay. And even then I'd refuse a few if theyre totally not my type. I want to have MY fun too.

Q. If it would be possible - would you want to kick me right now?
A. indeed i feel the urge for several reasons but not for the reason you wish for...

Q. Would you kick somebody in self defense?
A. Sure Oo

Q. Have you ever kicked somebody in self defense?
A. No

Q. Why are you slow if it comes to responding my questions?
A. First off because i always got 10 windows open where i'm answering the same crap like im an info line and 2nd i got a life going on beside my notebook and third, believe it or not - this is boring like ass whereas it seems to be excitement to you

Q. Im new here, whos the greatest person in KitG?
A. Noob question, it is Dv of course --- he build this house xD

ATTENTION ALL MEMBERS: if you have any further questions to ask this individual please leave a reply comment below. No this does not replace the Chat Room or the Inbox, it just helps this individual streamline their time better on the site.

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You crack me up Marina! Good having you here as always!

Kneelover said:
You crack me up Marina! Good having you here as always!
It was yet this year. I have met with some boy for a round of BB. I have even posted the "report" of that day here because without KiTG I'd never decided to finally meet somebody. So, take a look, people said it was a fun story to read. =)

Destin said:
When was the first time you hit a boy/man in the balls? was it by accident or??
Hehe J I would LOVE to kick you. You had birthday? Congratulations :)

Wutchaknoboutdat said:
Would you kick a 23 year old guy? :) haha I just so happen to be 23.
Dear Marina, do you like Germany?
I know very little about it excepting the games of Reiner Knizia and the game conference in Essen, and would be very curious to hear your opinion on Deutschland :) THANKS!
It sucks pretty much, see, before we had the Euro currency, we were able to afford much more. Also, it is like work doesnt pay off here anymore because people with an average job dont have much more after paying the rent, the requirements for daily life and the taxes, than the people who just leech the social system.
It is a saying here "Our politicians work against the people." Also, they're trying to introduce yet more dumb taxes.
Imagine in my city, as an example, i got to pay between 144 to 976 Euro per year, dog tax for one single dog.
which is why i aint got dogs, i cant afford that. I am fully aware I live in one of the priviledged countries where we do not suffer dictatorship, hunger, disease or war. But I'm also pretty aware that the way this country's system is structured, the poor remain poor whereas the rich grow richer and richer, and despite our youth has to be over-qualified to get an average job, they still go get workers from foreign countries here. Also, they rely on hired foreign specialists moaning our youth is not capable - which is just because to maximize their income, companies do not offer our youth apprenticeship places where they can learn the actual good jobs.
It is always pointed out in the next coming analysis, but instead to learn of it, the companies decide to maximize
the income again when its the time to offer apprenticeship places.
Also, we treat immigrant criminality here with velvet gloves, and having the borders open, this is a big invite to any human scum that wana commit crimes. Sometimes i really wish I'd be in another country just to see if its the same crap there, or if law is to protect the people there,instead to suck em off the next tax load.
There was this cartoon somewhere, a girl is raped on the open street, a bank is robbed and a man is shot but the police has their back to that and writes a sue to a dude for parking, ya kno what I mean :)
Wow! I'm sorry you've had it so rough there Marina. Thank you for giving me the low down on Germany. I hope things get better. Dog tax sounds ridiculous!
how come you use the term pwned! like an expert?
It sounds like you live in the USA; it's not quite that bad but it's getting there fast here with the same problems and concerns that you wrote about

Marina Schwarz said:
It sucks pretty much, see, before we had the Euro currency, we were able to afford much more. Also, it is like work doesnt pay off here anymore because people with an average job dont have much more after paying the rent, the requirements for daily life and the taxes, than the people who just leech the social system.
It is a saying here "Our politicians work against the people." Also, they're trying to introduce yet more dumb taxes.
Imagine in my city, as an example, i got to pay between 144 to 976 Euro per year, dog tax for one single dog.
which is why i aint got dogs, i cant afford that. I am fully aware I live in one of the priviledged countries where we do not suffer dictatorship, hunger, disease or war. But I'm also pretty aware that the way this country's system is structured, the poor remain poor whereas the rich grow richer and richer, and despite our youth has to be over-qualified to get an average job, they still go get workers from foreign countries here. Also, they rely on hired foreign specialists moaning our youth is not capable - which is just because to maximize their income, companies do not offer our youth apprenticeship places where they can learn the actual good jobs.
It is always pointed out in the next coming analysis, but instead to learn of it, the companies decide to maximize
the income again when its the time to offer apprenticeship places.
Also, we treat immigrant criminality here with velvet gloves, and having the borders open, this is a big invite to any human scum that wana commit crimes. Sometimes i really wish I'd be in another country just to see if its the same crap there, or if law is to protect the people there,instead to suck em off the next tax load.
There was this cartoon somewhere, a girl is raped on the open street, a bank is robbed and a man is shot but the police has their back to that and writes a sue to a dude for parking, ya kno what I mean :)
I was a player and mapper in Unreal Tournament for 5 years, we used to use this gaming language ^^

comrade said:
how come you use the term pwned! like an expert?
If you had to make a man's life hell for 48 hours, how would you do it?

are you still active?



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