As most of you know, KITG survives by donation only. This website is owned by Ning, who charges us a huge yearly fee to keep us online. Every year in July, we ask that members donate to keep the site going. The fee is due around late August and is about a thousand dollars, depending on the specifics. With 7000 members here, we should be able to cover that easily. But, the reality is not everyone wants to donate and every year we just barely make it. Sad, but true.  

This year, we have a new problem. As you may have noticed, there was no Donation Period. KITG was created five years ago by Dvhour, my site partner/friend. I helped him first behind the scenes, from the beginning, until I took on the role of Site Admin a few months in. We both have contributed and collaborated on ideas for the site and it has evolved nicely over the years. As the years have passed, DV has had less and less time to give to the site, due to work projects and family obligations. I will always have love for my friend, but the reality is that I have been carrying the site for the past two to three years. He checks in behind the scenes once in a while, but I believe in showing a presence and have done so nearly every single day. Lately though, I have been been wrapped up in several job and family situations, including being the caregiver to a very sick family member. This is taking up all of my time and some days I have no internet access (which is why videos were piling up to be approved). DV is aware of my situation, but as I've said, he is rarely here. He is not the bad guy; sometimes life gets in the way.  

Here's the deal: DV is the one who handles the Donation Period every year; all notices from Ning go to him because he is the Site Creator. I have been reminding him many, many times since June that we need to get this going. We haven't spoken much lately, so I leave him messages and sometimes catch him on g-chat, where he has assured me several times that he would take care of this. As I told him, I've been doing 90% of the work, so all I ask is that he do the Donations. Again, he assured me he would. But, here we are quickly approaching the end of August.and I have heard nothing from him since August 3rd. So dear members, I felt it was time that I be straightforward with all of you and tell you the truth: I do not know what is going to happen to KITG. I do not know how much time we have left online. I don't have specifics on deadlines, I only know that our fee is usually due by the end of August. If Ning does not receive its payment, I have no idea how long it will be before they take us offline.  

I wanted you to know that I tried...and tried...and tried, but it is out of my hands now. If this is indeed the end, and with every day that passes, it's looking more and more like it is, I want to go out with truth. Dvhour laid out the foundation, and I think I fleshed out the basics and gave this place a personality. Yeah, admittedly at times that personality was borderline bitchy, but gottdamn it's hard to keep this shit going day to day, dealing with 7,000 different member personalities, enforcing the rules, keeping the troublemakers out, going through loads of new material and member applications But I thank DV for trusting me enough to run the site.  

The fun part was decorating the homepage and chatting with my beloved Chatmonsters :) I've met some really cool peeps here and even had an adventure or two (meow ;) I've learned a lot from you and I thank you sincerely for your candor. I shared a lot with you too, and THAT is what I am most proud of, that DV and I created a place where we all could feel comfortable and BE FREE to talk and share and express ourselves in a fun and friendly community who share a love of this wonderful fetish. All the time and energy, all the blood, sweat and was all worth it to have shared this with you.  

Someone here once told me that I was the heart and soul of this place. From the heart and soul, I thank him...and you.

May you all find your bb Nirvana.

~ Namaste ~ ♥ Mallory

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Wutcha, who are you calling incompetent ? To everyone else, thank you ever-so for the incredibly kind 

words. Ibrahim, to read that I've made an impact on your life was quite moving...thank You. Melinda,

this hurts me too...but, it's pretty wonderful to read that you've learned so much about yourself. Char,

that was the whole point: To give peeps like us a home because we're not crazy and we're not alone.

I've gotten many heartwarming private messages as well, the most touching from KNAVE himself (HUG),

who inspired DV greatly in creating the site, and who quickly became a close confidant of mine (HUG).

I will try to get to all of your messages soon, but you are now aware of my situation. By the way, I am still

trying to get through to DV, but no answers yet. And again, he's not the villain...we all have to deal with

real life, unfortunately. He did give me this playground... and it became a fantastical escape for us all ♥ 

If there's a way to save it, please do continue to try. I am sure there are others willing and ready to help with admin stuff, and I can't speak for everyone, but I am ready to contribute some. I donated before I was an official member last time.. 

Do what you can, as others have indicated, if nothing else look into moving us all into another hosting service, I've heard good stuff about network 54, but I don't know what their policy on content is, though I think continuing with the format of no nudity might keep the options open. 

Also, again, if nothing else is remembered, my heartfelt thanks. I felt like I was alone in my desires, and alone in the fact that the whole dungeon, with screaming domme wasn't what I was looking for, and really didn't want to be looking at porn.. You, and DV are very much appreciated by me. Thank you!

Wutcha wasn't calling you two incompetent he was saying if some members could pick up the slack it might help and they might not be incompetent, (some people may be).  Just to clear that up ;) 

I'll miss you all 

Well Wutcha and Char, it is reeeally hard to trust someone with your baby, you know? And actually,

we DID try it the first year--but, it was sooo stressful for the guy that he ended up leaving the site,

hahaa :) LOVE to you, JimmyRocks...I hope your balls are aaaaaching, wherever you are :D

No.... Noooooooooo :'( Wow, well I haven't been here very long but the time that i have I found this to be such an awsm place and to come on today and read this has given me a shock..... Thank you for everything Mal :* and all the ppl here :*

So have you considered alternative hosting services? I'm sure you could get help rebuilding the site to another host from the members here if needed. You could get the hosting service for fraction of the cost.

Hey, thanks for everything. Whatever happens you guys created and maintained something amazing here and you should be proud of that.

I will miss this site and all the goods folks who are friends and make this site as good as it is. Hopefully all will turn out right.

You know what, I was looking into other web hosting, and there are quit a few out there. Now regardless if this place shuts down, it doesn't mean it's dead, it just means shit happens. Houses burn down all the time, but a home can be rebuilt. As long as someone wants to do it, it will happen.

I do think that before giving up you should consider adding some new people and seeing if they can  help, whether it be moving the site to some other location(a free forum that doesn't cost money for servers as an example) 

In addition it might've been a good idea to approach some new people a while ago to see if they could help out with donations and other things. 

Feel free to contact if you feel you need help!


Firstly Mallory and I have been doing this site since October 13, 2009. We are going on year 5 soon. This time of year ALWAYS overwhelms us because we generally hate asking people to donate. This is not fun and it takes a lot of work. In the past year I lost my father in law and as of last month my mom had major surgery and discovered she has cancer. On the upside I have a new super time consuming job and it really eats up most of my time. Lots of highs and lows this year so I have not been around much. As Mallory says she and I haven't spoken much as of late, which is rare cause she really is one of my best friends on the planet (even though she doesn't think so... yes I'm probably the shitty friend on the planet snickers). 


As of August 20, 2013 I made a payment for the site. We currently have 30 days from today to make our annual payment of $892 to fulfill our membership service dues and domain. Every year we get resistance from members complaining about donations and every year its massively frustrating doing this. 

In the past we tried to do this 2 to 3 months out but it was such a long long road and aggressive and people hated the long drag out and Mallory and I were burnt out. This year I'm like fuck it!!! We have 1 month to raise this money if we don't raise it then so be it. I'm not going to kill myself this year doing this. This site is not going to overwhelm me when I got other serious life pressing issues that need my attention. Mallory also has MAJOR life pressing issues and its not fair to her to have to kill herself over this. So I want to ask you all to step up and try to offer what you can. Each year 100 people donate and hopefully a bunch of you will donate again. 

Since January 1, 2014, TEN people have donated up to $346. This means that we are that much closer to fulfilling our annual dues if people band together we can achieve our goal. All we ask is for a minimum of $3. We don't ask for much because we intend for this to be a free site. We are not ripping you off. We need to raise about $547 at this time. If we make more than this number then Mallory and I will keep the profit amongst ourselves... Which is ONLY Fair! This is a thankless job we manage this site out of love for our fetish. There is literally no profit in this, so please do not take it there. 

Please do not complain or moan about where the money is going or try to rally troops to not contribute because you think Mallory and I are making off like fat kats. The first person who tries to get into this piss fight will be removed. This kind of attitude has just pissed me off over the years and made me less inclined to have patience for this kind of talk. I refuse to get into any verbal battles this year over all of this. All that we ask is to support our site... we are asking for $3 frickN dollars for the entire year, there should be absolutely no discussion.

At any rate Mallory wrote what she had to write because I have been massively neglectful of my duties as of late. Actually its good that she did cause I probably would have addressed sometime next week which would not be good. YES she is the heart and soul of this site and for some of you she is the dreamy unattainable girlfriend, the mother, the mean sister and my nagging Nagging NAGGING wife... I can't possibly thank her for all that she does and managing of things in my absence. I'll try to write something more eloquent when I get the chance but for now its 6am and I need to get ready for a long day at work.  

I made a small donation (above the $3, of course) I should be able to do another next week perhaps. 



As of November 28, 2024 these folks have donated.

  1. Dvhour (Site Owner)
  2. Square initials TR
  3. PayPal initials DH
  4. PayPal initials ZC
  5. PayPal initials TD
  6. PayPal initials PJ
  7. PayPal Smoo
  8. PayPal initials MB
  9. PayPal 2swollen
  10. PayPal init' SdB
  11. PayPal initials JK
  12. PayPal initials NM
  13. PayPal initials ES
  14. PayPal initials BB
  15. PayPal initials EJ
  16. PayPal JK (again)
  17. PayPal PJ (again)
  18. PayPal initials DG
  19. PayPal initials JR
  20. PayPal initials SS
  21. PayPal initials EZ


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