UPDATED: January 04, 2011.

Q. Would you like to chat elsewhere like on Yahoo or MSN? Do you have Facebook or Myspace?
A. What's wrong with talking here? I'm not into giving out any of my private addresses

Q. When are you available for chatting?
A. I never know what time or day I'm coming on, I'm usually on in the mornings for the Western Hemisphere. I usually visit the site 3 or 4 times a month.

Q. So have you ever  been a member of any other bb sites lizz?
A. no, this is my first and only so far as of 14 Sept, 2010

Q. I see that you busted your bf as a punishment do you often bust him or was that an isolated incident?
A- That was a one time incident when i was 18 years, he had it coming. The problem with Belize men is that they are very macho and can caused their girlfriends a lot of grief and an inferiority complexes. I was up to my nose with his macho and controlling crap so i got him the best way a girl could. I went for his manhood with two punches and a squeeze.

Q. How many years have you been looking for BB content on the web? Have you ever been a member of any BB websites?
A - not very long, only a few months before i became a member here, i started in 2010 with looking, this is officially the first and only site i am a member of so far.

Q - Do you speak Spanish?
A - I speak a little Spanish, but it is not my first language. You have to remember Belize was once called BRITISH Honduras so we speak as the British do.

Q. How long have you been in Belize.
A. All of my life i was born here, but my heritage is British and African.
Q. Have you busted any guys recently and would you do it again?
A. Its been almost 4 years since mt last bust, but that doesn't mean I'm out of ballbusting, i think the fact that I'm a member indicates that it will happen again.
ATTENTION ALL MEMBERS: if you have any further questions to ask this individual please leave a reply comment below. No this does not replace the Chat Room or the Inbox, it just helps this individual streamline their time better on the site.

Q. If a stranger asked you to bust his balls, would you oblige?

A. As of this moment, no, i would not.


Q. Do Mexicans get an inferiority complex because 2 out of their three land-borders are English-speaking countries and they have no love for Guatemala?

A. I don't know if they get an inferiority complex, but i do know their southern border with Guatemala is heavily patrolled to prevent illegal immigrants from the south.


Q. Have you been to British Giana in South America.  Suriname?  French Giana?  Brazil?  If not, can you please explain to people that those countries also do not speak Spanish and not all the nations south
of the Rio Grande do?  And do you speak French or Dutch or Portuguese?

A. Hello people from KITG, I have a geography lesson to teach the members here at the request  Rigoletto Mobile. I speak primarily English.
Location                        Language Spoke
Suriname                       Dutch
French Guiana                French
Brazil                             Portugese

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If you can't think of questions to post its simple just look in your inbox, look on your comment wall or in the chat room next time you are on... you will find all you need there to build on to your Interview.

Q. I see that you busted your bf as a punishment do you often bust him or was that an isolated incident?

Q. How many years have you been looking for BB content on the web? Have you ever been a member of any BB websites?

Q. Have you busted any guys recently and would you do it again?


Q. If a stranger asked you to bust his balls, would you oblige?


Q. Do Mexicans get an inferiority complex because 2 out of their three land-borders are English-speaking countries and they have no love for Guatemala?


Q. Have you been to British Giana in South America.  Suriname?  French Giana?  Brazil?  If not, can you please explain to people that those countries also do not speak Spanish and not all the nations south of the Rio Grande do?  And do you speak French or Dutch or Portuguese?

I am sorry Rigoletto Mobile I didn't see or bother to answer your first two questions when you asked me all those months ago.

Rigoletto Mobile said:

Q. Have you busted any guys recently and would you do it again?


Answer : I haven't busted a guy in a long long time, the last time for me was in 2007 when i had to knee a piggish man at a disco.


Q. If a stranger asked you to bust his balls, would you oblige?


Answer : that would depend on the situation, i wouldn't meet an individual in private to do that, but if he was to ask me at a party, i probably would.





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