I'm a lot more confident i my fetish and I'm willing to answer anything you ask.

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Nice, that's really hot, thanks for that information : )

I visited a pro domme for ballbusting and she had an interesting technique.  She tied a short piece of yarn around my balls.  Not tight.  Just snug enough to keep my balls from moving around too much.  They could still move around some, but the yarn pretty much ensured that my balls could not escape contact and just about every kick hit both balls, not just one.  I noticed that all her kicks were more painful when I had the yarn on.

Kind of a similar effect to the jock strap holding the balls in place.


Yes,i think so too with the JS. She's the professional so she would know : )

Why do you ask?  As Tender Boy said, a jock strap wouldn't do much except prevent excessive jiggling.  My guess is most of those guys wear some kind of compression short when competing. Way more comfortable than the traditional jock strap and just as effective in keeping everything from flopping around. 

Yesterday, I was asked in a private chat if I ever busted anyone with a jock strap on. I told him that i really didn't know, but there was a chance with the shot putter I kneed back in High School. I figure I'd ask here about it. Thanks for your reply.

Hi Suzy. In my experience with actual ball play type ball busting (as with a bust buddy), the balls are held tightly together in a jock strap (as you already know). While the jock strap doesn't offer actual protection to the balls, somehow having them cased in tightly takes the sharp edge off of the pain.....sort of the pain that occurs on the surface of the balls like from slapping or ball tapping. If punched, kneed, kicked, or hit with a blunt object, the balls still get "busted" but the immediate sharp pain is kinda suppressed. There is still the deep down inside dull and nauseating pain. It just seems more delayed because the initial sharp pains are somewhat diminished.

thanks guys for all this wonderful info, i'm going to assume he had his jockstrap on when i kneed him.

From what you've told us about your experiences kneeing and kicking, I think your knee would have dropped him whether he's got a jock strap on or not.  You're just good at it, and your knee connected with his balls really well.  He was going down no matter what.  :)

I wonder if when you kneed the shot putter if it was the first time he was ever busted really hard, especially by a girl.  That could have added even more shock and surprise for him, as well as embarrassment.

I think i was his first bust. I knew him since probably the first or second grade and i don't think i remember hearing about him getting busted all those years at school unlil that afternoon.

Then I am sure he remembers you to this day, and the experience of being kneed by you very clearly. 

You were his first.  You took his testicle "virginity".  :)

But seriously, a good knee to the balls from a girl is the kind of surprise/shock/pain/humiliation that lasts in a guy's memory.



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