I'm a lot more confident i my fetish and I'm willing to answer anything you ask.

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What I had meant originally is to ask about when you bust from anger or fear, where it's truly your hardest kick and you need to give as much pain as possible.

What is that moment like, when you decide to go for the balls?

And what were the results for the guys who received your hardest anger/fear busts?  It sounds like it's happened more than once, so maybe the reaction wasn't the same each time but I am curious what the guys' immediate physical reactions were.

Like, did they drop to the ground immediately?  Rolling in agony?  Did anyone ever not drop?  I am just wondering what it's like.

Honestly, i don't know at that second. It's blind, tunnel vision light. I'm an automaton at that split second. I honestly loose 2 or 3 seconds and then I'm back down to earth. The second before all that, I say to myself, I'm going for the balls and then it happens in a time warp. There initial reactions were very different, but the results ended the same, them on the ground in a lot of pain. Some dropped immediately and others took longer. One guy actually tried to walk away (stagger) and then fell out.

It's interesting that you go into that time warp, kind of on autopilot.  Because judging by the guys' reactions your knee (or kick?) is not only strong but also very accurate.  Your knee is right on target in the balls even if you don't clearly remember doing it.

And very successful each time too.  That is awesome.

I like the one who tried to walk/stagger away but then couldn't and went down.  That must have been really satisfying for you.

I know you often don't wait around in these situations but how did the guys react to you after you busted them?  Were they mad at you or were they just focused on their own pain, like you weren't even there?  Maybe yelling or groaning or whatever, maybe drunk and kind of out of it.

I ask because sometimes a bust is kind of "girl vs. boy" and when the girl knees the boy in the balls the boy is incapacitated but he's very aware of who did it and maybe he's upset at her (well, not if it's a guy from KITG, because then he wants to give you a hug, LOL but I mean guys who aren't into BB). 

But in a party/crowd situation where a guy is just being a drunk jerk and a girl intervenes and knees his balls hard and he goes down, he might just be a grumpy lump on the floor, not really aware of who did it, just generally ornery and in pain and down for a while.  Was it like that in your experiences or was it more personal?

Heya Suzy!

I found the clip I was looking for, for the whole "wheezing" gasping for air thing. It's from a movie, so it's obviously staged, but I'm sure it reflects on sounds a guy can actually make, haha. Let me know if this link works:


Also I do have links of real busts where gasping happens, but I'm not sure if I can post them here. They're from ballbustingtube, and one of them has a topless girl. Not only that, but I guess they're a bit more violent in nature, even though in one video it's just the one knee. Let me know if you're interested though. :)

You could certainly post links if you wanted?  ^-^  Just give a potentially-NSFW warning :)

Yes, they do make those sounds, definitely not a wheeze : ) 

Nope, i doubt you can post them here, they'll be removed.

My balls will be removed? That's serious right there (lol I know, the video).

Well, Allen kinda requested it too, so here goes. It's NSFW, there's a topless woman, and I'm not posting this under the videos section, but if Dvhour disagrees and wants to remove the video, then that's fine, and I won't post anymore potentially NSFW videos.

It's a short video, and it's one knee:


I love that video! I wish I could buy the whole Alice collection!

You can find more on ballbustingtube.com, just type in Alice in the search bar. I'd like to know the origin of these videos. They look pretty amateur-ish, but I'd like to know how it came about, and who is involved. Seems like the guy can take a few more hits in the other videos, and the girl clearly enjoys it.

she really cracked those eggs with her knee. I love his reaction.

Lol she totally did! I was kinda surprised it was a slow reaction, like the pain gradually built up. The knee looked hard enough it could have dropped him instantly. Have you ever had these different levels of reactions? Some instant, others not so much? But yes, great reaction, he's down for the count!

Yes, reactions vary a lot. Sometimes they drop like stones while others take the slow way down. they're all very sexy anyway.



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