A Cozy & Cheerful Ballbusting & Cbusting Social Network
Wrote 7 hours on this. Its no fiction of course. The hardcorers firmly believe in the B.O.B., right?
I go pray to DV now.
Well. I hope you like. The format is a bit shit from pasting it from my notepad but... there are worse things in this world. the original TXT is attached to this. We are attached to KITG. KITG is attached to Mal. No ducks are attached to a frypan --- or i kill you.
Alright. I prepare you: USE YOUR IMAGINATION. Tahts the thing in between brain and weewee. THat speculates if fucking a 8 armed manga goddess or such is sexy or odd. My opinion...? Well you know it. As long as she brings a pizza, im cool to hang out with her. :) Empty your universe and imagine... so, you will find yourself to become a believer of........
----------- THE BIBLE OF BUSTS ------------- (We are a religon of sleaze)
The bible of busts. The sack-red scrolls of gory swelling story telling, written on scrotal skin with the cum of the martyrs. Let the Prickmata flow.
First Book: The Rise and Fall of Man.
(1) In the beginning there was only bullshit, two ominous girls and one cup. The universe was fucked up but then, DV appeared, and he spoke "ning ning ning". (2) And lo! There was the KITG.
(3) And when man saw it from afar, curiosity made him come closer and click it (4) and man was sucked into its charybdis and spend 15 days in there.
(5) Then, DV created a light, and man beheld Threads and a Chat all of a sudden and the old told the young: (6) "Settle down in this land of lore.
Let us stay in here."
(7) And Man lived in the Land of lore. But one day, there was one who typed faster than anybody had ever seen.
(8) And man bowed to this idol and spoke "Thou art the greatest of us all. Tell us how to live.
(9) The people gathered with the fast typing one, and beheld that it was somebody who had boobs. (10) And as they looked up to the one with boobs,
that one spoke "Go rape the Button that grants us entry. (11) Hit that button all the time and give many names to ye, for legion we are if we are
(12) And man asked "But is that not against our actual needs? Everyone of us is only one. Do we need many names?
(13) "I have the pussy, I make the rules!" the one with the boobs spoke. And Man, young and naive in his recently created ways, thought "Believe her!
Not only doth she have what we call boobs. She hath a pussy, she makes the rules."
(14) And all of man repeated to sing "She has the pussy, she makes the rules" and only few dared to ask "What is a pussy anyways?" as they fared to
the entrance button that read "Registry" (15) and they signed themselves up tens, twenties and hundred times by all names that would ever come to
their mind.
(15) DV ate a caramel bar when he noticed noises going on (16) and the plane of the KITG was crowded with fools that did not exist for real. (16) And
DV held the Caramel bar to his candle and said "Thou wilt not wish to go wither thou goest now, people of KITG!"
(17) and the caramel bar melted and a violet drop fell to the ground. (18) There rose she, Cara-Mal, the first mistress in creation (19) and DV gave
her a whip and mask and spoke: (20) They admire the Spammer who types so fast but only nonsense, those who have deeply sinned by double and
multiaccounting - Banish them from the planes of the KITG. Thou wilt have the power of mine, the attractiveness for them to listen to thee, and the
agility of a cat. (21) therefore, thou will be known as "Moderator."
(22) And Mal went banishing all those that had followed the treacherous Booblette and lo! It was good again.
(23) As time went by and the KITG lived on, man grew many families that liked to speak with each other, and the tribe of Zwyx rose and said: (24)
"People, have ye never wondered whence ya came from. Have ye never wondered, what threads art, they contain no anything." (25) And one bold man said:
"THreads? Whutyukno bout dat!"
(26) so there was a competition of these two, claiming they would know where the world came from, and what threads were, and what the KITG was. But
none could convince a vast majority.
(27) So one night, one unabashed guy climbed the ladder of threads all to the top of the screen of the sky with a brush between his teeth that oozed
of paint (28) and he dared to write under the LOGO of the KITG "Kitchen Interiors To Go". (29) And he climbed down, returned to earth, and all would
look up and say (30) Praised be ye, for ye made us know what our World is about. What is a Kitchen, though?
(31) Years went by and People lived under the logo that Said Kitchen Interiors to go. Then, DV saw this and spoke (32) I do not believe what my eyes
do behold. Who smeared letters under my Logo!" (33) And he sand Mal to wipe it off.
(34) It was the time when man acted up and rebelled and spoke (35) "We determine waht our life is like! Let us write the words of our world again"
but some said "It was not important. (36) After all we dont know what kitchens are!"
(37) And one man who others listened to alot, pointed at those that had spoken out against rewriting, and yelled: "Kill the infidels on behalf of our
kitchen interior!"
(38) and they clashed in the greatest battle ever seen. The earth was covered with blood and empty packages of Caramel Bars.
(39) And those who had been victorious picked up the caramal bar packages and shouted "Woe over us, for this is a terrible omen!"
(40) And verily. There she appeared, Mal, dropping from the sky to sort the harassment, and whipped them all down to the ground.
(41) But as she had completed her task, turning her back to them, some rebelled and tried to stand up again. (42) and some were successful at it.
(43) And Mal mowed them down a second and few even a third time. Then they kept laying on the ground and she vanished into the unseen again.
(44) And after few years, a new bold guy stood up and spoke "The KITG shall be re-written. And the goddess of whipping will clean it again. (45) So
this time, We build a ladder as high as the sky, (46) for then we can re-label it infinite times. Now, we are our own gods!
(46) Everybody began to build the latter and it grew high and higher. And there was a woman called Susan with the green eyes, who stepped up to them
and said (47) "I have prayed to Mal in the temple for she shall spare ye, but this is blasphemy. (48) Ye build it high as only the gods should be.
Refrain and repent!
(49) But man laughed and didnt heed the warning. And soon the ladder reached the Logo, and they discussed what they wanted to believe in, and who was
going to write it. (50) And they decided "KITG is "Kittie is the greatest!" and thought worshipping Mal, she would not punish them then for she was
Catwoman, but even the term "Kittie" showed they didnt have much awe. (51) So one wrote it in the sky, and people worshipped Mal and spoke of loving her alot. (52) When DV saw this, he ordered Mal to destroy
the ladder and remove the writing. And Mal refused, because she liked being worshipped over DV due to being a girl. (53) But DV was to be worshipped,
and wrath and bolts of lightning sparkled from his eyes when he tossed Mal from the balcony of the skies down to earth (54) and she mowed everyone
down in the name of DV for their sins. But once again, some resisted and stood up again, (55) this time, they managed to get up even up to 5 times.
(56) then, it was all quiet. And she returned to the skies.
(57) But harmony lasted only a year and a half, then, people started trying to desire to fill the empty threads with things. (58) And a great many
ideas were gathered to put the image of all goddesses in there that were sexy (59), and a faithful knave spoke up: "THou shalt fill the world with art, not
Smut! use the images I created to worship DV!"
(60) But man acted defiant, and said "We only want what has boobs as back many moons, that one had who typed faster than anybody else. (61) Verily,
if one is to be admired, its taht one. (62) And knave spoke "Fools, ye cast doom over all of us worshipping that snake of a person, she was the
manifest of spammage." (63) But they did ignore his warning and put nudies of that idol in all threads that now were filled with content, (64) and when DV saw it,
he could not believe what man had done. (65) "Go down, o Mal," he said, and mow them all down, for they worship this nuisance that thou hast banned
long before." (66) But Mal the cat-eared queen of punishment said "It will be my undoing one day if I continue to punish them. (68) With every time I
strike them down with this whip, they grow resistance, and manage to get up more and more times. (69) O verily, DV, i cannot floor them anymore if we
go on. They do no longer drop! (70) And DV himself went down to earth to speak to people and forbid them to worship the nude serpents images, (71)
but people did reply slow and singlehanded, worshipping the image with the other hand. (72) Now, the sins were too much, to refuse talking to god was
unforgiveable. And in his home in heaven up high, DV spoke "I order thee to go down mallory, and floor them, (73) and be it that they get up even a
hundred times!" (74) That was when from the dark corner of the halls of eternity, a sinister smirking woman appeared and spoke (75) "O god of the
KITG, hast thou not realized that thine creation grows stronger with every punishment, and render the divine whip useless. (76) O great DV, I am Nadz
the Sadistic, and I tell thee: No thousand whips have the effect of one flicking of a finger if the spot is weak." (77) But DV spoke "Begone for I
know you well, ye witch from the abyss of moral, no way shall my creature suffer by thine loathsome ideas that verily, only a depraved doth enjoy.
This is Male solidarity. (78) And Mallory was sand to earth and punished man. But no matter how often she floored them with her whip, (79) this time,
the number of those that rose up again was infinite, and she mowed them down and down and down. (80) The reaping was endless, and out of strenght,
Mallory plead to the sky (81) "Oh DV, their resistance is too big, I cannot floor them permanently." (82) But merciless and a strict master, DV the
Lord commanded her to go on, for the sinners had to be punished. (83) And there, inmidst of the slaying, appeared a skinny figure with long legs,
Nadz the Sadistic one, who tempted Mallory: (84) Let us do it my way, and DV shall not know about it. Trust me, it will be so easy then. (85) And
noticing that Nadiyah was bare feet, without any weapons, Mallory looked at her heavy battle armor, (86) she felt the sweat and exhaustion, and saw
that despite her efforts, man walked around in thousands. (87) So that was when she betrayed DV's order and agreed "Cast thine spell, oh witch of
sadism!" (88) and it was done as Mallory the iron angel had demanded. (89) Man walked the earth and felt a skinny bag growing in his groin, with an
odd little object within. (90) And as man explored the new aquiry, he shy'ed away from touching it, for it hurt to touch it. (91) And Nadz and
Mallory watched this, because Nadz had just cast Scrotums with a ball within on every man. (92) "There ya go, o goddess of punishment that thou art
know to the wise as KITG moderator, (93) summon inmidst of them and go get some! Lay thine whip to the ground and use the power of thine body and
thine scorn! For they had a choice, and they choose to sin, so no mercy!" (94) And that time, Nadz, with her infamous sadistical smile, vanished in a
mysterious light that read "has left the Chat", (95) And mallory threw the useless whip that DV had given her to the ground and bursted into a
berserking rage. (96) THe screams of man who had considered himself so strong and invulnerable and impossible to be controlled by the fragile Mallory
(97) reverberated through the entire world, and Mallory floored them with the agility of a cat and did not even require strenght, for the newly grown
orb in mens "Fleshbag" was so sensitive, (98) and man cursed the day that he had provoked the wrath of the gods (99) and from that day on, feared the
squeeze, the kick, the punch, and most of it, the flick, and guarded his tongue from the female, which was who casted it over him. (100) And when
Mallory had done enough for that day, she returned to they sky (101) and DV spoke "No one of them shall ever dare to post shit again --- or smear a
subtitle under my Logo." (102) but boldly, and grown in self confidence as a deity, Mallory spoke (103) "I have written a label there. For the KITG
is now the Kicked in the Groin. (104) And empowered, if thou darest to oppose my decision, o highest god, I will show thee the pain i can inflict on
thee." (105) And no one knows wether the goddess Mallory taught DV a lesson or not. But he never forced her to carry out pointless orders anymore
(106) and let her decide on her own. (107) That is how the scrolls of the elders tell.
2nd Book: The first Masochist
(1) And as time went by, and man was behaving now, (2) he discovered that the threads were the right place to fill thoughts into. (3) THoughts and
rules about the important things in life. (4) And since it was very painful, the most important thing was to live full of faith and never upset the
gods. (5) So the threads all filled with wisdoms collected on how to live properly. (6) But always following her own, obscure intentions, Nadee the
Witch crept out from the shadow of the past (7) and tried to whisper revolt into the minds of man. (8) Because she wanted man to rise so Mallory had
a reason to kick them down again, (9) and personally, she lusted to wreak pain on them, too. (10) But man behaved too good, too great was man's awe
for the unbearable pain that the little orb in their pouch could unleash.
(11) So the centuries went by and DV looked down and man was gathering and worshipping like a good herd of sheep.
(12) Hence, DV left dealing with mankind all to Mal, for nothing would happen anytime soon, and meditated over things of higher importance. (13)
Knowing not of Nadz intentions to stir the mortals up, Mallory resided on the balcony of heaven above, (14) and was taken by surprise when noise from
the World below grew on to a level that could not be ignored.
(14) Albeit no one seemed to have the courage to rise up just for rebellion and provocation (15) because the fear of pain was too big and awe for
this Pain was greater than to any god, (15) there was one young man with a keen tongue whom they called Travis from tribe of the Zwyx. (16) He went
up a hill and declared to all the men who were terrified to hear: (17) "Cowards. I do not fear the pain from the goddess' boots. She will not kill
me, for she loves us in her heart! (18) And Travis spend three days and nights on the mountain of Mist, praying and provoking the goddess Mallory.
(19) And as he wanted to leave, Nadz appeared and spoke (20) The goddess Mallory has heard you well, but she doth not come. And upset, Travis asked
why. (21) "Ye want something from her, use her anger to build yourself, it makes you feel like a man who can take more than others, (22) and she isnt
giving it to you, mortal, you cant trick her."
(23) And Travis saw that he couldnt trick the goddess to his benefits (24) and he protested "TO be leader of the Zwyx, I have to become stronger than
others." (25) "Ye were not given the weak spot in ya Fleshpouch to grow strenght from it. Its just for control." said Nadiyah. (26) "That is sadism!"
said Travis, "I know some of us have annoyed her by gettin up all the time again, but why doth she do that to us. Why did she get the idea to punish
us that painfully!"
(27) And Nadiyah smirked and spoke "O foolish man, because I have suggested it to her. For I am Nadz the Sadist, (28) and if its only enduring Pain
that ye want," she sneered and grabbed him by the ball with despise, squeezing it, (29) then know that ye have not to summon a goddess for intentions
that low. (30) Because doth ya not know... we did not make ye weak to the kicks of a goddess (31) but to the kicks of all women.
(32) And Travis freed himself from the grasp of the dark witch and called it a lie because he was strong and proud. He turned around to run away.
(33) Then along came Susan with the green eyes who had been plucking flowers, for she was a beauteous and peaceful soul. (34) And Travis threw her to
the ground by accident when he wanted to flee from the wicked Nadiyah. (35) Realizing he had tossed the fragile Greeneyed to the dirty ground, all
her flowers scattered and soiled, (36) so he wanted her to take his hand and pull her up as a gesture of regret (37) but the Witch Nadiyah crossed
her fingers and spoke ancient words, a spell so Susan should forget her meek gentle nature and lust for revenge. (38) And Travis was completely taken
unprepared when Susan jumped to her feet and her face distorted by anger as he had no female ever seen (39) and that moment, her foot shot into his
groing, and Travis fell to his knees, holding his weak spot in a protective manner. (40) Susan was released from the spell of Nadiyah and realized
she had brought the brave warrior, though superior in physical strenght, down to his knees without any sword or anything. (41) Irritated, because she
returned to her calm and gentle self, whilst very impressed of her own ability, (42) she went away with her self confidence growing and she would
tell it to all other women in the village.
(43) Travis felt humiliated beyond any extent, and he knew if he was inferior to the fragile greeneyed (44) then he better did not even think of
attacking the ferocious witch Nadiyah, who stood on a small pile of earth. (45) Engulfed and surrounded of raging fem-fire, Nadiyah smirked, watching the warrior with
sheated sword walking home. (46) Then, the wicked witch pointed her arms to the sky, forming claws with her long, sultry fingers (47) and as she
yelled out in ancient tongue, the fem-fire around her shot down from the mountain ridge to the valley (48) and all women received a spark of the
sadistic energy to find pleasure in wreaking pain upon those that they usually didnt harm nor dare to resist to, since they were stronger.
(49) And legend has it that Nadiyah heard the moans of several men from the village that night. (50) Travis however, who was walking home, was oddly
poring over the fact he had a spot that the weak woman had been able to defeat him by. (51) And if Nadz words were true, every woman now was able to
cause him this pain. (52) Walking down the long descending path, he saw the lights of the valley under the bright stars (53) and as if the stars
tried to light it, a single, semi torn flower lay on the ground. He reckognized it. (54) Those were the ones Susan had plucked. So he picked it up.
(55) Holding it in his hand, knowing she who had caused him pain had held this flower before, Travis' thoughts traveled down to the center of his
pain. (56) "Somehow," he thought, "I would like to put myself to the test. Can somebody endure a second hit, right after the first? It hurts so bad,
but what if one can? And what if that one could be me?" (57) And after smelling the flower, he went homeward with an odd thought in his mind: "I wish
Susan was here. I crave to take her anger.
(58) Maybe it is not humiliating to be vulnerable by a woman but they are a wonderful opportunity and way to grow in strenght. (59) I fear it, but I wish I would
feel the pain again right now. (60) It must be the most wonderful feeling to withstand the natural instict and triumph over fear and pain. (61) Their
feet can give us everything we ever dreamed of. (62) I think I have never desired something that strong before as I wish to face and triumph over
this pain. (63) The mere thought of it, and the obscene fact beautiful legs can cause so much hellish pain, might be the discovery of mankinds
fanciest turn-on. (64) Bear with me, good Lord DV, for it is a derisive blasphemy, but this punishment we were given called a ball is not a punishment but the greatest
blessing a man possesses. (65) And thus, by this realization, the first Masochist was born, and lots should follow.
Third Book: The feuds of chaos and Insanity
Chapter I - The naked deviless
1) And it is being said man now lived in satisfied suffering, and women were no longer defenseless. (2) And many centuries, balls were kicked, and
hearts warmed in the cuddling reward session for the Lady thereafter (3) so all enjoyed it and life was good. (4) They say that was about the time
that an entity appeared in the realm of the KITG, the domain of pain.
(4) It was a being so hungry for souls and greedy in its depravity that even Nadee the witch would have appeared almost innocent in comparison. (5)
The spirit arrived in the center of the village and saw men who enjoyed to be mistreated, (6) so it thought "This is so absurd that it is the right
place to unleash my havoc." (7) She aimed to harm people for real, not just to cause pain, (8) and secretly, she dreamed them to bleed to death from
injury. (9) She took the form of a voluptuos female, and decided, it was time to bust men's ball. (10) She was a demon who spoke that from now on,
this was the act of ballbusting, and that all women should accumulate hatred and kick the men to death, tied to trees. (11) There spoke up Kaitlynn
the reasonable and pointed out "Thine face is unknown to us, so are your words. And thine nudity is the worst. We do not harm our men for real for they
are lover, protector and husband." (12) She however, using her demonic force, swept the women out of the way and stated (13) "Fools. I know what
Ballbusting is about. I made the term up." (14) and a gesture of her hand made the women and men freeze, so they could not attack, nor escape. (15)
One after another, that devilish Soul tied to a tree and kicked them until their heads sank down (16) and she stated "I am the first and only true
ballbuster, ye weak plebs." (17) But somehow, it turned out one woman was at the lake to get water, when she heard of the massacre going on. (18)
Hiding behind a tree, she witnessed it, and ran away to the Lake. (18) "Oh gods, how can I ask thee for help without to yell it up to the skies and
then im being heard. Oh Mallory, strongest of women, come down thine balcony, feel my need!" she thought. (19) There appeareth a giant lobster from
out of the water and looked curiosly at the grieving woman. (20) "Smoooo" said the lobster, for it was his name, and the Lady almost shrieked, which
wouldve been fatal. (21) But then she whispered: "Ye are no ordinary Lobster, that size. Oh, tell me (22) I cannot shout at the skies for help and my
people are being killed by an insane devil. (23) What in the world shall I do to end it?"
(24) And the lobster whispered in human tongue, but hard to understand because of the noise of the lake: (25) "I have not tried it before, but mayhap
me can carry you to the other side of the lake, give it a try, for I sure play no tricks." (26) And she was carried safely over to the other side and
spoke (27) "May the gods stand by me that I find help in the forest. Ye art a wonderful lobster." (28) And by these words she kissed the lobster and
he turned into a man named Seth, which he could be outside of the water for grattitude. (29) As the woman and Seth ventured into the forest they
heard sinful sounds, (30) and there was a sight unlike any other, as two witches, a dark and a pale, were eating each other out of honey that they
had stuffed and smeared into each others loveholes. (31) Seth coughed for attention, and both winced, let off each other and said (32) "We just didnt
want to wash the dishes thereafter. Wait. Arent you a lobster, usually?" (33) The woman begged the witches to help them, and one was Nadiyah and one
was not Nadiyah but Meenah. (34) And both were weird witches. (35) Because Meenah spoke "Why shall we help the villagers that cast our kind out into
the woods. I prefer Honey from Nadiyah." (36) And Nadiyah spoke "We should help, else there is no one left that we can fancy to live with. (37) And
Meenah agreed. Then weird Nadiyah said "But on the other hand, i prefer honey from Meenah." And Meenah answered (38) "But if we dont help there is no
one left that we can fancy to live with." And Nadiyah spoke: (39) "I almost forgot that. (40) And the woman yelled "Will you finally stop pretending
to be idiots and help us or not! Every minute costs lifes." (41) "Killjoy." said Nadiyah, and the witches lifted up the earth. (42) They were
floating above the village in no time and down there were scattered bodies, and a woman who - like possessed - kicked one man to death that was bound
to a wall. (43) Nadiyah and Meenah appeared right between the man at the tree and the deviless. (44) "Stop this vile mischief and join delicious
mischief." demanded Nadiyah, licking honey from her sticky fingers. (45) But the devilgirl countered: "You will not stop me" and tried to freeze
both. But it didnt work. (46) "Fool." said Nadiyah. You cant ban witches that way." But the deviless demanded them to leave. (47) "You will leave the
face of the earth like hit by the ban hammer." spoke Meenah, "Hey Nadee, summon me a lance." (48) Nadiyah bend her fingers, collecting Energy, and
there it was - bundled - she threw the sphere of energy at Meenah (49) who grew a stiff little cock and yelled "What the hell, not this kind of a
lance, Nadee!" (50) Laughing, the deviless kicked Meenah in the groin who was immediately on the ground, gasping for air, then puking. (51) "Fuck, it
was imprecise witchery because my fingers are sticky!", and saw how she had provided her ally the thinkable worst weakness possible. (52) And there,
the deviless pulled Meenah up by her hair, kicking her over and over, (53) and she yelled "This is why I call it ballbusting." (54) And Nadiyah's
face frowned and she rushed towards the deviless who still tortured Meenah and yelled (55) "Then this is what I will name Cuntbusting!" and she
kicked the crotch of the deviless so hard (56) that the vicious being looked down to where her orifice was, (57) and the Vulva's slit cracked and a
thin line in zig-zag shape went up the navel, further up, passing the valley in between the breast (58) and bewildered and perplex, she who had
brought so much pain over the village, cracked in half and fell apart, on to the ground. (59) Meenah recovered, and said "We considered it sadistic
fun to cause men pain but we didnt know shit how much that hurts. Make this shit disappear again, Nadee. (60) And as Seth and the woman arrived at
the village, they wanted to thank the witches for their help. (61) But they only saw Nadiyah run away from Meenah and did not understand Nadiyah had
informed Meenah that a counter spell had to be done with exactly the same fingers as before (62) and since the sticky honey was gone, Nadz could not
cure Meenah until they found a way. (63) "We came to thank our saviours, but one of them had to save herself from the other, aghast isnt it." is what
the village diary reads. (64) So it must have been that way.
Chapter II - The mortal love
(1) And they say it was unsignificantly later, great havoc was about to break out like the rain from the sky if not prevented. (2) Mallory had
noticed that there had been 27 men dead in the village, (3) and DV would be terribly upset, should he discover this. He would blame it on her. (4) So
Mallory snuck down to the earth, hiddenly, and buried the dead in the forest near the mountain of Mist. (5) From a cabin in the forest, distant from
the valley, she heard sounds and giggling. (6) Peering through the window, Mallory beheld a girl which knee'd a boy consecutively, and marched on
with it. (7) The chimney fire blinded Mallory so she pulled her mask off and her hair fell down to her shoulders as she admired the adorable girl
stimulating her partner with small doses of pain instead of the powerful floorstrokes that were punishments. (8) Her facial skin became warm from the
reflection of the fire, and her eyes were big and amazed. These didnt live in the village. (9) And it was unlike anything the angelic goddess had
ever seen. It was no punishment, it was... love o_O (10) The goddess Mallory felt a swelling warmth around her divine temple. (11) She aroused,
heating up that much that her breath started to blur the glass of he window and she evaded to another spot at the window and watched in excitement.
(12) "Never before have i felt feelings like this." she thought. I was created from caramel to punish. But this warms my most secret desires. (13)
And she watched, blurred the window by her hot breath, went to a clean spot at the glass, and watched on. (14) But then the boy was spent, and his
head hung down." His ball could not take anymore. And the girl respected it and let off him. (15) And Mallory panicked, thinking "Go on! Take more.
Omg I implore it, go on, never do i want to let off this sight!" (16) But they were talking in the hot cabin, and it seemed he told her he cant take
it anymore. (17) That was when Mallory, the highly turned on goddess of punishment who just discovered her sexuality, short circuited (18) she didnt
know why, and wasnt consient that she did it, (19) she simply thought one big "NO! Take yet the same amount again!" (19) And a second ball appeared
in his sack, and he was visibly astonished, changed his mind and with a gesture, he pointed her to go on. (20) Mallory watched it in unsatiable
excitement as the slender girl marched on with her knees, playing her friend like a musical instrument that made moaning sounds. (21) And the goddess
notice she was wet in her suit, and realized she was a sexual being too, as the humans. (22) "This must mean I am actually aroused!" she thought,
(23) and she slid her hand through the sticky black trail that had soaked her deity suit, (24) and verily, she discovered her flower was blooming
when the hand went over the spot. (25) She watched the knees marching on, saw her ambitious smile, saw his expression, head thrown in the back , as
he ooomphed over and over in that corner of he wooden cabin, (26) and then, Mally literally shrubbed her hand over the wet suit. (27) The burning
hunger to touch it yet more definitive and directly drove her mind insane, (28) and she changed the blurred spot at the window all the time, because
her inside was a volcano and she breathed boiling hot air like the chimney exhaust on the cabins roof. (29) "Oh my god I cant bear it any longer, but
there is no way to get my hands into this suit!" she gasped, watching the knees march, (30) and then, her mind exploded into pure ecstatic demand,
(31) she tore the lower part of her costume open, freed her womanhood from suppression and as a goddess, streams of accumulated galactic milk oozed
out her flower and down into the grass. (32) Her hand was heading to her lovespot and that moment she watched the girl and was so fascinated "She is
not doing it for punisment but harmony, I envy her, she is a Cat too!" (33) then her fingers touched herself the very first time directly since her
creation. (34) Unable to predict the intensity of the first touch on her swollen pear, she was overwhelmed, and orgasmed immediately, (34) and the
goddess Mallory was thrown with the nose against the window from her climax. (35) The girl she considered Cat had noticed it, winced, turning around,
(36) she saw the goddess unmasked face for the blink of an eye at the window, then the breath of the orgasm blurred it immediately. (37) That part of
a second that the girl beheld the goddess was enough to levitate her to the ceiling, bumping her head, filling her twitching body with lightbeams,
traveling in curves from Mallorys drenched petals, through the solid wooden wall, and into the girl. Her boyfriend could not believe seeing her float
before him.She was rocked by divinity, lights sparkled around her, and there, gently floated down and set her tiny foot carefully back down onto the
floor. (39) Totally amazed, she looked around at her hands, arms and body, then looked at him who said "Kat."
That had not even been her name. (40) But somehow, due to Mallory calling her a cat, she now was Kat, demi goddess walking the mortal plain, goddess
of heavenly knees. (41) No fully divine is to be beheld, it kills the beholder, but Kat had had only a glimpse of the unmasked Mal, (42) even while orgasming
for the first time, the sight had shot into the direction where Mally had directed her thoughts. (43) And so the first Boy with two
balls and the knee goddess were created.
Chapter III - The balls to take it
The servants in the palace in the skies witnessed a heated discussion one day, soon after Mallory had witnessed mortal love.
"I swear," said she, "people can draw delight from pain. They call themselves Masochists." And the girls balance between sadism and deep
affection when bringing them towards the edge. It is the most fascinating thing in the world!"
But DV, god surpreme over the realm of the KITG, waved it off as mischief. Nobody would draw delight from pain. Should he smack her? No.
So, that would say it all.
Leaving a Mally behind that felt fatally misunderstood, and moreover, cool from air around her freed lotus, DV withdrew into his meditation
So does legend say.
(1) And it was during a feud in the village that some claimed, scrotal demons haunted the earth, while others claimed it was a lie, (2) they
suspected the clan of the green lantern was trying to gain power by possessing all other tribe's men, (3) because so far, only the clan of green
lanterns had been spared yet. (4) And there was a voting, and it was about ThisPerson and That other Person. (5) And when ThisPerson won, she stated:
"We will send our strongest warriors into the forest and fight the scrotal invaders." (6) But no one felt able, because demons and demonesses couldnt
be fought. (7) Also, since having no gender, there were neither balls nor ovaries to shatter.
(8) And there he appeared when the council discussed, what to do. The spirits of the air seemed to whisper his name in awe, and heads of the council
turned around. (9) The man who was called the tank, for no one could take as many kicks as he, (10) and verily, strong and solid he stood in the
massive oak frame of the room. (11) Even two girls at once would not bring him down except if they would use clubs of wood. He was Carsten, and he
would not heel to the demons in the woods. (12) A big salute was given when he left the village. "The tank is our man" people praised loud and full
of confidence. (13) Then, they waited. And a great many hours went by. (14) In the evening, when he still was not back, first ones started to worry,
(15) later when ten passed, speaking their concern, (16) and when midnight had passed, all thought the inevitable truth was that he had to be dead.
(17) So Uzbad the Open one, known to speak what others didnt dare - and showing his member to quite many (18) demanded that people start to assume
that Carsten was dead and lost. (19) Whom could save the people of the KITG, they worried, and a wise old woman who had seen it all in her life (20),
yes, she who remembered the old days when everything was new and young, (21) foretold that sure the prophetess of Tamakeri could help. (22) Three
bold boys were sand out into the wilderness to go to the stone circle and summon the spirit of Erika Nagai. (23) And so it happened, they fared into
the flatlands and the oracle appeared. (24) But she spoke japanese and none understood it. Subtitles were not shown in the mist. (25) She wished them
good luck, then disappeared. (26) Except for a boner, which is natural side effect of seeing japanese girls in general, nothing happened. (27) "Let
us summon her again!" said one boy, pointing out there might be a translation option to select at the start of the manifestation. (28) But before he
could waste their second and last dubbloon into the Money slot, his comrade stopped him and pointed at a little sticker next to it: (29) She gave
only one oracle per hour. The damn limitations. (30) They roamed the area and discovered a cave. In it, there was carsten, unconscious. (31) As they
woke him up, he attacked the three boys. They knew he was possessed by the scrotal demons that he had been sand out to attract them, baiting them
into his body. (32) But Carsten had failed to overcome them. The quest boys could by no means overcome him either and fled up into the ridge. (33)
There, they had shaken him off, and discussed waht to to. But one, all of a sudden, had insane eyes and tried to kill them. (34) "A demon from
Carsten has switched into him! shouted the others. (35) "We must exorcise it!" And so. They attempted. (36) One held their friend tight from behind,
and the other kicked 666 times into that ones balls til they were a pulp. (37) Finally, the scrotal demon seemed to have left, and they congratulated
the poor guy that he had survived it. (38) He however started grieving over his wrecked reproduction tracts (40) and they discussed further on how to
destroy the demons taht haunted the forest. (41) "Oh, one needs such great resistance." said one, (42) "But who can withstand the demons?" Suddenly,
a proud voice said "I have the balls to do so." (43) And as they turned around, they beheld a man who held a snake and a frog in his hands. They
boys were astonished. (44) Do you collect these for your terrarium?" they asked. (45) "Yes." said the omnious one, "but no lizards. Let us go. If i
die, remember me." (46) and they beckoned "You will be remembered as NoLizards. And he said "So be it." (47) "But please, Tall standing one, " said
they, which means a guy who is never floored at all, "tell us how can you be so brave?" "I have got the balls." he repeated, and revealed his
massively filled pouch. The boys were out of words: (48) "You have two balls!" they said in awe, and NoLizard replied: "For very truely, two balls
are mine, not one, you OneBalledBoys." (49) and there was Carsten, who was still possessed with lots of demons in him, and NoLizards spoke "Hold him.
He will try to kick me back. But I can take it." (50) They were so amazed, because verily, he kicked the tank 2 days and 2 nights before and the tank
kicked him back all the time, (51) and then that one would start releasing one demon after the other but the last one didnt wana come out, and there
appeared Travis, running towards them with a bane in the wind, he ran right into Carsten (52) by yelling "Falcon Punch!" Fire and brimstone came from
the sky and in that reddish smoke, thelast demons silehouette, holding its pathetic balls, was visible and dissolved to red dust that fell onto the
ground. And then, when Carsten was freed of all the demons he had collected in the forest, NoLizards stood there victorious, Travis spoke "I thought
I only seek for you, but didnt think I'd come to try out this deathstrike!", and the boys slapped Travis and NoLIzards back (53) "You are awesome,
folks, you did the impossible!" and Travis and NoLizards smiled proudly, but Liz had taken too much, his eyes distorted and he fell into the soil of
the ground. (54) He would not have been able to take one more single kick. Even the slap on the back had been the finishing move. (55) They pulled Carsten
and NoLizards back into the village and waited for tehm to awake. (56) And as soon as they opened the eyes, interested questioning started. (57)
People asked how NoLiz, who was nicknamed YesLiz, had aquired a second ball, and the goddess Mal's head appeared in thes sky and spoke: (58) "I
bestowe two balls in all of thee, for I want you to be able to maximize your passion." (59) With these words, Boys and men let out an amazed sound,
feeling a second ball pulling their sacks further down. (60) "We didnt get anything again of course." spoke Meenah the witch, (61) she and Nadiyah
were allowed to live in the village now for their former help, (62) and "Do you want nuts?" asked nadiyah, and Meenah negotiated and answered "I want
a cheeseburger for fucks sake."
(63) And so, the scrotal demons had been thriven away.
Epilogue. The legend says after
Mallory appeared to the people in that vision, she went back into the Palace and heard odd sounds. She followed those sounds to the door of her
masters meditation chamber and opened it slow and carefully. She beheld DV, who had equipped himself with a scrotum, for generally, gods were neuter,
and there lay on a rug, slamming a sock into his Scrotum. The sock contained Tennis balls. And he moaned pathetically how it hurt but how good it is,
and he called the sock Mal's name and had drawn a frown face on it. The goddess of punishment tossed the door open to take the man by surprise who
had denied that pain in the balls could be fancied by anybody, and thus, had tried to lecture Mallory to believe in naive mischief, just like those
that claim they dont view nude pics but do it when they think they are alone. And just like those, DV tried to hide the sock immediately, and the cat
eared goddes asked "Would you tell me what you are doing here!"
He was embarrassed and swollen too, and could only sweat, grin, sweat and grin again, shrugging with the shoulders.
"My my what do we have here, the legend claims Mallory has commented when closing the door behind her with the toe of her foot, so there was no
escape for DV, the high god of the KITG. But wax in Mallys hands, literally, because she spoke "If thats not my boss who claims no one likes pain,
but he does like it, right?" "I can explain this. I wanted to experience the pain, and it is really amazing" said DV, but Mallory spoke "It better
is, because what you cant explain is why that "Mal-Sock" has such a frown face, that is how you see me, I will give you a taste of the real "me".
And thunder pounded the earth down in the village, and people looked up to the sky and heard DV yelling "Ouch, argh, ooh, noo, yes, i mean no, stop
it, omg aaargh..." and some worried that bustmaggeddon had probably come. But that is another story.
(Coming soon in the "Evangelion of hardons" -- maybe ^.^)
P.S. And as with all religious research and reconstruction, here are the tags fromthe original scrolls. maybe you can decipher some of these utmost important fragments of a high civilization that existed long before your time. And yea, if you like a tag, archaeologic reward: Print it out, take it home with you, frame it, put it to your wall and be happy, for its the will of the gods to see ya smile.
Wow. Hahaha. Just wow. Silly, but fun to read. Although the format seems a little off-kilter.
I loved my entrance though! "Smoooooooo" and "Mayhap I help, for I play no tricks." :) Even Kat and NoLizards had fun entrances too! Good job! *two claws up*
Thanks be upon thee, o honorful Smoo, that thou hast help to carry the woman in need over the raging river :)
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