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Probably when I slept over my bf's house, we were both undressing standing across from each other. He had just taken his boxers off, and I had just taken my shirt off. Right when I took my shirt off he was staring straight at my boobs (i was still in a bra) and I took advantage of my opportunity (him being naked and distracted). It was really really funny (: haha

How fun! That kick must have made a nice smacking sound... Lol... Did you drop him? He could have been sore for a while.. Does he like it? Lol

lol it did, it was loud. Ya he dropped so fast, he collapsed. He was sore for like a half hour, we had to wait to do anything because they hurt too much.

I find you girls enjoy that sound, one way or another, lol. Also the sound the guy makes as you kick him. Sounds like he doesn't mind it too much.

Nah I usually hear a painful moan haha

Yeah, thats a pretty perfect distraction.  Worth the hit anyways!  :-P  Did he even have a chance to react or did he not see the kick coming at all?  Just how hard did you tag them?  Just enough to put him down or was it a real solid kick?

Whats your favorite way to bust a guy and why?

I love squeezing because of the complete control. I dunno if I'd consider that "busting" though.

I'd say kneeing, because it's really powerful but also because I'm face to face with the guy. I like it when we're making eye contact and really close and I knee him, and I just get to watch his face change into a really painful expression and then he quickly falls (:

How about taunting? What types of things do you enjoy saying.... Or do you like to do fake kicks after the fact?

I like to fake concern, I think its funny (: haha

the greatest of it all is, if you are faking concern, asking the guy to let you see / take care of his balls only to have access to putting him into even more pain =D

Squeezing definatly counts



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