Hello, everyone. This is my first real post to the forum, so please bear with me if i ramble too long. I've got a question mainly for the menfolk, but any ladies are certainly welcome to chime in. Also, this is pretty specifically about F/M ballbusting - I imagine cuntbusting or M/M ballbusting might feel very different emotionally, but like i said, anyone is free to join in.

I've been thinking a lot recently about this unconventional pastime we all share, by which I mean I was thinking about how different it makes us than most guys. Yes, a kick or knee to the balls still hurts us here at KITG, and the threat of such pain can still make us flinch (sometimes), but by and large, it doesn't fill us with the same, crippling level of dread it does to the average, ordinary boy or man. In different discussions on KITG, we talk about how much - or how little - abuse we can take to what should be our designated weak spot before needing a break, sometimes a very short break, but if you see someone get kicked or kneed "in real life," a lot of times he really will go down for the count after one kick.

Some guys can just laugh it off with the rest of us, keeping up that hilarious "I've been kicked in the nuts" face to mask how much pain they're in. Some crumple to the ground and curl up until some of the discomfort wears off, and others just fall to pieces completely and lose all higher functioning (think gasping for air, crying, throwing up, or otherwise making a scene), especially if they were taken by surprise when the kick came. I've seen a few guys have this last, very dramatic reaction even when they were waiting to be kicked on purpose - we've all heard of the "I bet I can take a kick" game - or when they really deserved it, and out of everything I think and feel when I see someone get busted, this is the only scenario in which I don't have a great deal of sympathy for the person being kicked. I'm not sure where this comes from; maybe it's just because I don't feel pain quite like most people, so I've forgotten how much it bothers them. Maybe it's what's left of what you might call stereotypical mannish pride, making me look down on someone whose so easily incapacitated by physical discomfort.

I'll be the first to say that I am not the alpha male type or even particularly aggressive - all men don't have to be either warriors or servants, just like all women don't have to be either Amazons or maids - and I know that a kick in the balls doesn't exactly feel like paradise to the average person, but for some reason, I tend to judge a guy very harshly if he can't take a single tap to the balls without collapsing in a heap. This is the only time i can really think of in which I'm inclined to think or even say "Suck it up, you effing nerd. Take it like a damn man." Bear in mind, I'm not talking about someone who is kicked full force, attacked by a stranger or a real aggressor, or otherwise seriously hurt; I mean someone who takes what most of us around here would call a love tap and then just completely shuts down like they've been shot.

I guess the question i have is - does anyone else feel this way? When you see someone who is not into ballbusting fall to pieces after one little kick, knee, or whatever, specifically when you know they were asking for it literally or figuratively, do you ever feel pity, disdain, or even contempt over the fact that they can't handle it as well as you could have? Do you ever think to yourself how much you'd like to show him - or the girl who put him down - how much you could take by comparison? As for you ladies out there, what do you think? Do you feel scorn at a guy who folds after a single light kick, even want to kick him more just because he seems so much more delicate than a ballbusting enthusiast might? Would you taunt him about it out loud, or just think these things to yourself while he's on the ground?

Or am i the only one who takes it this seriously, and I'm just being judgemental?

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Can you take a kick to the face?

Bb guys resistance its just out charts. Toe kick with high heels. 2- minutes of squeezing.
This time you are being too hard man. Ball resistance its variable.
I go for the opposite. It would be hard for girls if all guys have clips4sale stunt guy resistance. They would be completely defenseless against guys.

Sometimes I feel quite the opposite. Why should I enjoy this, if this is meant to be a lot of pain?

I learnt sciences, so have the basic knowledge about this, and the evolution made this part sensitive so we protect the key to maintain our species. I barely understand how can I have the urge to get hurt there, risking the most important thing in our nature. So for me it is the opposite, I judge myself sometimes, yet want it.

^I wonder the same thing

I feel bad when a guy who isn't into it gets busted and is down for the count. My brain pretty much "compartmentalizes" the fetish aspect of getting kicked, so whenever I see a guy get kicked in a non-fetish context my first reaction is sympathy, which is the "normal" response (though it has happened where later on down the line when I revisit the memory, that's when I start to find it hot, especially if the girl who did the kicking was hot or someone I was into).

Interestingly, if I'm watching a bust that is fetish-related, I tend to be more judgmental on guys who stay standing after taking a shitload of kicks, just because for me the appeal of bb is the vulnerability aspect, so a dude staying up "breaks the illusion" for me. That's why clips where the dude has balls of steel do nothing for me.

I can agree with all of this.  The hottest thing about busting to me is the vulnerability and people, especially women, talking about it and having fun.  Those ballkicking porn-type videos just don't do it for me, especially because I really dislike nude guys.

You're definitely not alone!

For me, outside of the bedroom, I actually HATE when women kick guys. It's only ok if I'm the one being hurt. I deserve that abasement. I guess I'm coming to realize that this fetish, as well as everything else in my sexuality, is actually just my way of normalizing childhood trauma.

I can't judge because ball pain doesn't feel like pain for me, more like a long glorious orgasm. So I have no idea what others feel.

But those little "love shots"--I do know what you mean in that some people seem to make it up, like we've been busted enough times to know what angles don't even actually hit the balls. On the other hand if there's no consent--if someone is doing something to your genitals without your consent, you might freak out. Who knows.

I think I'm less inclined to do this to show off and I more just do it because it feels fckin hot and I like the person who is playing with me. It honestly feels surreal when I'm at fetish parties and people come up to me after a scene and are all awe struck because I can "take the pain" or something...really not why I'm there



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