So Violet came over and being the saint that she is, is helping me build a website that is based around members, password protected and completely secure from outsiders. This way we can accept the people we're closest to, and it will be a much more friendly environment. It's in the works, but this is actually happening. We'll keep everyone posted. But things are looking very promising :)

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Finally some good news :)

you can embed videos on your site with a member id in other words if someone uploads your video to another site it would contain their unique id so it would be simple for you to identify the offending member and deal with it as you see fit.

That's pretty handy, would help the site out alot then, by banning the perpatrators

 The way it is usually done is by embeeding session id's as a water mark in videos. Two problems with this approach. a) It costs money. Lots of money. It is usually a service you have to sign up for and the costs would be prohibitively expensive b) At the moment pirates usually just cover the water mark with a box before releasing the video.

I think a screening process is more effective. Or just require people to contribute to the running costs to have access.

to clarify further you dont embed the videos the site does it for you, whenever a member watches the video it contains a ubique identifier automatically that is linked to a specific user of your site.

Me parece bien, la verdad es una excelente idea, soy un seguidor de tus vídeos, desde mucho mas antes que se hagan conocidos, estaré esperando encantado lo que se vendrá mas adelante.

Best of luck! Again, if you need any help from the technical aspect, I'd be more than willing to offer my services.

Wuhuuuuu :D

great news

Very glad to hear this. Miss seeing you guys post content. I'll keep checking in on your blog posts and such in case you keep it a secret kind of deal when it comes out.

Keep us posted



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