My interview...ask any question you want, but it might not be what you're hoping to hear. Let's have some fun.

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Do you have any busts that you feel were your hardest but weren't actually as hard others?

Also how often do guys tend to puke when you bust them? And when they do puke do you feel like you've busted them harder than usually or is there no real difference?

I'm not sure i totally understand that first question, from my understanding, you're asking me if i kicked/kneed a guy what I thought was really hard, but it didn't hurt as much as other busts I didn't think were as hard? I do remember a few, one was in High School, i kicked a boy really hard and he reacted like it hurt a lot, but he didn't react as much as i thought he would.

Puking isn't as common as you think it might be, at least not with me. It's been a while since i caused that on someone, for him to puke. I'm guessing mid 2000s, but i have caused a lot of spitting and coughing after a good kick or knee shot which I feel is a step or two from puking.

When they puke, i feel either he has a low pain tolerance or he's just in a weaker state at the moment or i really got those boys hard, but it's definitely a bonus for me XXXO

Jessika, can you tell us more about the time with the boy you kicked in high school who didn't react as much as you thought he would?  What were you expecting, and then how did he actually react?

Balls are funny - sometimes when they're lightly tapped the guy drops down and curls up and reacts so strongly it (almost) seems like he's overacting.  Yet at other times, another guy can take a full-force kick and it obviously hurts but he remains on his feet, more or less OK.  The wide variety is interesting.

Regarding making guys puke, I get the feeling alcohol is often involved when that happens?  Same thing with passing out.  Like the puke or passing out was probably coming soon anyway, and the kick in the balls just hurries it along, LOL.  :)  

Sorry, i couldn't tend to my interview better, a little girl named Sandy sort of disrupted things for a while.

His reaction actually wasn't too far off point. He was on the ground, but he kept a straight face and made very little noise.

I'll say alcohol is involved for a majority of guys getting hit in the balls.

Yep pretty much answered both questions i've asked perfectly =] thank you.

I would like to know your answer to tender boys first question.

hope it answered your question.

yep it did and welcome back.

Also he probably didn't make alot of noise because he was in extreme pain. For example maybe you kicked him so hard he just kind of fell to the ground holding himself making no noise probably praying that they were still okay. 

Also @ the puking I think its pretty cool how you view puking as a a bonus its pretty hot.

true, guys react differently, maybe that was just his thing when getting racked in the nuts. Puking is a plus also a wild writhe is a lovely bonus.

Hey Jessika,

Is there anything with regards to busting guys, that you still haven't accomplished that you would like to ?

I'd have to think about that one, i can't think of anything at this particular time that I might want to try different. Then again it's early in the morning and my mind isn't processing properly so maybe now that you planted a seed in my head, something might pop up.

How about nailing a father-son combo and watching them next to each other on the floor in full writhe.

Are you trying to turn me on anthony? Even better would be two brothers, the father and an uncle and watching all 4 writhe. Now thats a goal to aim for. 



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