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sure, the knees are always active.

I can relate to your fake busts at work Jessika.

I work with this old woman who is always going around playfully lifting her knee up threatening us Men.

I would love to know if she is just playing around, whether she is a frustrated old  lady desperate to  ballbust someone or whether she is a real ballbuster behind closed doors.

I must admit when she fakes to bust me there's a part of me really urging her to do it.

I know you dont know her Jessika but do you know any Women like this and do you have any views?


Depends, does she seem amiable and friendly? Then she might be a ballbuster. If not and she's always angry and mean, then she just hates men probably.

I know several women, but not the type that hates men. They just like to have some fun at the expense of a painful afternoon for the guy.

Hi Jessika. What is it about knees that you like better than kicks?

They're the best way to bust balls, my favorite way. I'm a very tall woman at just under 6 foot tall (182 cm). I like using this height as i knee up and hit with a lot of lift into the balls.

So is being that tall an advantage when it comes to kicking and kneeing balls?

I'd say my height gives me a wonderful advantage for kicking with reach and kneeing with lift when it comes to ballbusting.

I remember some time ago you mentioned it happened that guys that got busted by you (I remember you mentioned your husband and your husband's bro) complained about you busting them, and asked you to do not do it again. I was wondering, how do you act in those situations? Are you apologetic, you are sorry, you make fun of them, you just ignore them etc.?

My second husband complained about my fun, kinky habit and it was probably the brother of my first husband that probably complained, but he didn't ask me to stop. My second husband asked me not to hit him there, that's why we're no longer together.

I was never apologetic about doing it, my second husband probably didn't deserve all the hits he got, but i didn't apologize. Now with my first husbands brother, he deserved the bust so i definitely didn't feel sorry for him one bit.  I just sit back and enjoy and get excited, not much else to do except enjoy it.

What happened with your first husband brother? And what did he say? I suspect it was fun to hear him complaining :-).

I busted him, my husband and one of their friends when they came home at 2 in the morning stumbling drunk and making a lot of noise. I don't remember if he said anything at all other then an UUUUUUFFFFFFFFF or an OHHHHHHHHHHH. I went to bed after i was done with them. It was fun having 3 men on the floor complaining or moaning about kicked/kneed/busted balls.

not at the same time like that, nothing as victorious. 



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