Did BBtube decide to go in a new direction lol. It's all transvestite videos that have nothing to do with busting. I frequent both this site as well as BBtube, and although I always prefer this site, they had some quality videos as well. I always liked this site because I feel that it's not as "extreme" as BBtube was. I like to get hit in the balls, but I'm not the type of guy who enjoys having pins put in there and shit lol. Plus I like this site because of the community. As all of you know, this..umm.."interest" we all have isn't the most popular or talked about because it's perceived as "strange". But hey, I don't know why I like BB, I just know I like what I like, and I like BB. But anyway, if BBtube really is gone, it's a shame...but we still have KITG! And KITG is/was/and always will be the classiest and most dedicated BB site on the interwebs. You stay classy KITG.

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I just checked it out now and you're absolutely right, i can hardly believe it. That site used to be cool :P but, as you said, it doesn't hold a candle to KITG. This is by far the friendliest and most entertaining bb site i've ever come across.

They destroyed bbtube about a year ago when they redesigned it.  The pop ups and advertisements are way too annoying and slow the site down to the point where its nearly unusable.  Before the redesign they also had a great collection of ballbusting photos and cartoon pics that were lost, once the site came back in its new form the only photos anyone posts are of their own disgusting balls.  Now I just checked the site and the first image I seen in videos page was a woman with her arm about 12" up her own arse, that's certainly not anything I'm into.  Actually I'm not into anything posted on the site at this time, time to remove it from my favorites.  Thank goodness for KITG, (dvhour and Mallory) as well is it's members willing to fund this site without advertising.

Is it really back to normal? I personally can not login, and my account has been reset and all my videos been deleted, which also seems to be the case with some other users i looked at

Same! And I can't even search for videos. Something is seriously wrong with that site. I checked just now, and it still isn't working for me. 

I would only go on that site with adblock, makes it much more tolerable.  I'm not against all ads, just the amount on that site is ridiculous.



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