Please feel free to ask my anything, and yes I do mean anything. I am an open book and have nothing to hide. However if your questions is ridiculous or just plain stupidity and ignorance then I will not dignify it with a response.

  • First thing is first, I am both a Lifestyle and Pro Domme (I session for money), my personal toys have worked hard to earn their place at my feet and I do not advertise outside for personal subs/slaves. All personal acquisitions are made through those who have seen me in a professional capacity as this weeds out the time wasters and fantasists. I am real person I hope you are too, online is great but I prefer real time.

  • I will not and do not to online/ cyber busting, I am not interested in seeing you self bust I would rather be doing it myself for real ;-)

  • Yes my breasts are real!

  • Most Importantly... And the most frequent question I have to answer. Yes I have done long lasting and permanent damage to a guy at his request. It is not big or clever and I will never do it again. Keep it as a fantasy guys, he regrets it as much as I do. How did I do it? He was restrained unable to move, and over the course of an hour I kicked and kneed him repeatedly. He ended up with a torsion and permanent damage in his testes. So before you sign a waiver regarding safe words and not wanting to stop until your balls have popped or you have been castrated. Think about your future and what you really want, because once they are damaged, broken and removed, that's it.

That about covers the most common questions I get on here. So if you have something different and interesting to ask, now is your chance to do so. You will find me friendly, open and honest.

I look forward to sharing myself with you.

DD laid bare ;-) xXx

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Dear Tender Boy,

The simple answer to that is no. Max of about 70% I would say, this is for 2 reasons. I have yet to find a man that can take more, and secondly I do not want to ever do permanent or sever/ long lasting damage. Swelling and bruising are unfortunate and likely outcomes but I do not want to inflict heavier damage.

Thank you for the thoughtful reply and I understand.

For what it's worth, I visited a pro domme last year for ballbusting (and other BDSM fun) and on the second visit, after a discussion beforehand and with my permission, she kicked my balls full force.  Like you, she has very strong legs.  It was wonderfully painful for me, but I was completely fine.  I remained standing throughout, breathless and in a kind of heavenly aching, but otherwise fine and very happy.  

We did this for only about ten minutes.  It was not a marathon, nor would I want one.  It was (relatively) short but powerful and wonderful.  I had no swelling or bruising either, but I think that's a function of the number of kicks more than the strength, and my number was kept low.

But maybe I am not typical, I don't know.  :)

For longer sessions I can see that it would be necessary to lower the intensity.  I don't think anyone could handle dozens and dozens of full-force kicks.  Moderate force would be the order of the day if it's to last, say, an hour, and I gather that's how many people (possibly you?) often engage in ballbusting.  But if it's a limited number of kicks, the full-strength variety can be beautifully intense and somehow very emotionally satisfying, for both partners I think.

That's great! 

Most of the gents I see professionally like to get their monies worth so to speak so I have to keep them standing until the last 10 minutes or so, then I up the anti a little.

In my personal life I have delivered some shorter more intense sessions but again the guys haven't managed to handle it really. I will keep looking! I did have one client who booked an hour and a half and after 10 minutes he had had enough and he had cum so he left????? He was new to BB and I had tried to advise just an hour but he was adamant that he wanted longer.

That's funny about the guy who thought he wanted 90 minutes of BB but only lasted 10.  At least he seemed very excited by you and what you were doing to him, it just went faster than he expected.  :)

Do you find that a lot of men cum when you ballbust them, like that guy?  I have not experienced an orgasm from ballbusting, and doubt I could, even though ballbusting is very exciting.  For me it's more like foreplay not the climax.  Also, I find that I get aroused (hard) from light to medium kicks and especially knees - the intimate contact with her knee and thigh is yummy - but the really hard kicks, although I totally love them and want them, do hurt so I don't have an erection during those.  But about 15 minutes after the busting stops, oh yes then the arousal comes back with spirit!  :)

Maybe I'm only 50% masochist, LOL.

It's interesting how you pace the ballbusting session to ensure it lasts for the planned period of time.  You have really practiced and perfected your art and that's really impressive.  I love how you steer the experience to remain just under his threshold of tolerance, and then - just near the end - take it up a notch.  Please tell me more about this phase.  What do you do?  Kick or knee harder?  Faster?  How does the man typically respond? Is he ever surprised by the increased intensity and pain?  

I am picturing a guy being with you, and (sort of) being able to handle your kicks and knees, and his balls are aching after about 40 minutes but maybe he's thinking, "No problem, I can handle this" yet he does not fully understanding that you purposely aren't using your full strength, and that you can go harder when you want to, and then you do.  In my mind I see his eyes go wide, a look of shock, a gasp and groan escape his lips, and the stunned look on his face says, "OMG… I didn't know she could knee my balls that hard!" as he slowly sinks to the floor, helpless.  :)

Do you like to end the ballbusting session with your man down on his knees from the pain, overpowered and dominated?  That seems like a great place to reach, very satisfying erotically and emotionally.

That's something I'd really like to experience - being busted powerfully enough that I am on my knees not just because I want to or out of deference or willing submission (although those are nice things in their own right) but literally because the pain she has given to my balls is powerful enough that I have no choice, I can't stand up any more even if I want to because she has overpowered me and all I can do is kneel and try to cope with the overwhelming pain in my testicles that she gave me.  The power transfer in that moment - woman empowered and in control, the man helpless on his knees - must be absolutely intense and amazing.

From experience I know this will likely take multiple hard kicks or knees, so it's a little scary at the same time as being totally exciting.  We men are very attracted to you kicking our balls and controlling us, but a little scared at the same time.  We love what you can do to us, yet also feel just a bit intimidated (in a good way).  That frisson is what makes it so exciting.  Do you see that sort of feeling or reaction from your clients or men in your personal life?

Please tell us more about the shorter but more intense sessions you've had in your personal life.  You said that the guys weren't able to manage it.  What did you do with them and how did it go?

Thanks for all your thoughtful responses, they're really interesting and fun!

I think 20% can drop me...

Permanent damage is just bad luck, it rarely occurs because testicles are very resilient actually, testicular torsion in fact occurs only in predisposed individuals, so there is no reason to worry, so it is okay to moderate the force, but permanent damage is very rare.

Permanent damage is just bad luck, it rarely occurs because testicles are very resilient actually, testicular torsion in fact occurs only in predisposed individuals, so there is no reason to worry, so it is okay to moderate the force, but permanent damage is very rare.

Hello mistress dd I'm from Ireland and can't find anyone to bust my balls . Any chance you will ever be in irelandmto land me with a few devastating kicks ?
I would love a beatdown session or mixed wrestling with you. I love bbws. I bet your really strong to. It would be fun but Ur on wrong side of the pond lol
As you most like to kick? kicks you strong? In my opinion a strong kick to the shin is the most painful way and mean to kick the balls.  
You like to kick his shin ? :)



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