Here's a fun play on words. So you have at some point kicked a guy in the balls, thought about it or thinking about doing it now. Maybe its an imbecil coworker, to a jerk ex boyfriend, to the idiot store clerk that stole your money. OK so you start the sentence off by saying

"I want to kick him in the balls so HARD that..." and then you finish the statement. for example: "that his Adams apple now has company"... "that they flew out the corner pocket"... "that they are now part of his diet"... you get the picture. Be creative and have fun venting. :)

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WOWOWOW... that would be real hard!

they pop.
Kicked in the nuts so hard so they go into low level orbit.
These have been said to me...then followed through on...

I'm going to kick your balls so hard, you'll be sore for a week.

I'm going to kick your balls so hard, you won't walk straight.

I'm going to kick your balls so hard, you'll regret buying me these boots.

I'm going to kick your balls so hard, you may lose your lunch.

I'm going to kick your balls so hard, that my ex-boyfriend who dumped me is going to feel it. (this was one of the hardest kicks I have ever experienced...she put lots of emotion into this one...)
...he clutches his testicles and cries.

Awesome, that is they best situation!

when he blows his nose sperm comes out!
i gotta say katie's is the Most frightening one..
I DO kick his balls so hard I drop him to his knees with tears in his eyes, retching for breath.

woua, sounds wonderful Mistress Moira

I want to kick him in the balls so hard that he'll be walking funny for the next week

I want to kick him in the balls so hard that he blacks out

I want to kick him in the balls so hard that it'll hurt to walk

I want to kick him in the balls so hard that squeals like a pig
Really good ones so far. Let's see what I can do.

"... that your whole genealogic tree will be sore for eternity"
"... that your grandchildren will be born walking funny"



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