I'm going to Toronto from July 3rd to July 11th. I need Feedback and tips :)

I'm going to Toronto from July 3rd to July 11th on both business and pleasure, I have never been there and I totally look forward to it.. at any rate I have several reasons for posting this.

1. Does anyone have any tips about the city? I'm flying blind literally. I just know of the CN Tower sadly and I know the Picasso Exhibit is on, other than that I'm clueless. So any tips and thoughts   would be helpful. oh please don't tell me about clubs and bars cause i'm not into either.. I'm into the arts, culture and the scenic parts of Toronto.

2. I also wanted to know if there are any kink events going on in the city during those dates mentioned above. I'm hoping to connect with the kink community or some fellow kinksters while I'm out there. I just love meeting people and hope I get some feed back. 

signed your fearless leader Dvhour 

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Your mission: Find Katkatbbsaverz and make some fantastical ballbusting videos, DV!

signed, our fearless leader's leader ~Mallory  ;)

I'm by no means an expert but I've been looking at places to go with my gf when she visits later in the summer. The "CityPass" is a package of tickets to the more well known sites in Toronto: http://www.citypass.com/toronto . You'll also be in town for the Summerlicious event where you can get fine dining at a budget: http://www.toronto.ca/special_events/summerlicious/2012/index.htm . You'll definitely want to call for reservations, and unfortunately most places may already be full up by now. But it doesn't hurt to try! Enjoy your stay in the capitol of Canada (according to most Americans anyways).

Take the ferry to the Toronto Islands on a weekday afternoon, go to Wards Island, great beach and the Rectory Cafe nearby, best patio in TO. If you like nude beaches, take the Halans Point ferry. Get a TTC transit day pass and explore the city by streetcar, Kensington Market (Spadina & Baldwin), Chinatown (Spadina & Dundas) take the Queen Streetcar to the far east end (The Beaches) eat at the Goof then walk to the lake and take a stroll on the boardwalk.

If you like live music go to College St (west of Bathurst), have dinner then go to see a band at the Orbit Room, College and Clinton), its owned by the guitarist from Rush. High Park at the west end of the College streetcar kiune is nice, too. Explore the shopping along Queen St. West, go to the Drake Hotel.

Lots of neat places on Ossington above Queen, eat at the Golden Turtle. Explore the Roncesvalles area, great greasy spoon called Aries Restaurant, lots of others too plus a funky little club called The Local. Best pizza slice is King Slice on Bloor west of Dundas West.

Go to Casa Loma, then ride the St. Clair streetcar to Corso Italia.

Near the CN Tower go to the Steam Whistle brewery in the old roundhouse. So much to do, so little time.




Kat and Joe are like MIA ... i'm annoyed that they disappeared like that. 



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