They're downsizing and I'm low man on the totem pole.

I need to maximize my Patreon income ASAP while I look for a new job! Anyone who knows me knows I wouldn't ask for help if it wasn't dire. I need to earn $1,800 per month to pay bills and eat. Right now my patreon brings in about $770.

Please, if you've ever enjoyed my drawings, consider becoming a patron. You get every drawing for as low as $1 each! High resolution PNG files for $2 each and an invitation to the exclusive discussion section for $3/drawing.

If you already are a patron or can't afford to become one, please spread the word in your kink community.

This came out of nowhere, I only have until August and my wife and I are freaking out.

Become a Patron here!

Thank you so much!

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So worth it too! I love your work and love the requests you have done for me (all the Latina ones lol). I wish you the best and will continue to support you
Thank you so much Desmond! I am so glad you like the drawings, and thank you for all the awesome requests! Obviously I really enjoy drawing them ;)
Listen to Desmond everyone! He knows what he's talking about!
Please become patrons!

I know how you feel, my wife and I are having a baby due September which means we will only have 1 wage, currently right now we have 2 mortgages my old house is has been sold, however before settlement has happened we have had a burst pipe that has destroyed a bedroom, now having to get that fixed before settlement day on Aug 7 is a nightmare and my wife will go on Maternity  leave August 11, and with 2 houses if it wasn't done it's worked out to 4600 a month of bills and my wage would be $1000 short of that!

so yeah I know what it feels like to be panicking right now and the worst thing is hearing others say its gonna be ok just because they think saying that makes you feel better! 

Oh your drawings are great too I will support you as well 

Oh my gosh, I am so sorry to hear about all the bad news! Congratulations on the new baby! I know right now it can't be easy to try and be happy about the new addition :(

My heart goes out to you and your family. ♥♥♥

Signal boost!

Yeah, our expenses meant we were never profitable :( Evidently people didn't want to support videos of happy people practicing BB in a fun, lighthearted atmosphere.

You can still buy some of the clips from my clips4sale store

Will spread the word and have signed up on Patreon! Been supporting you for literally ten years aka since high school :)

Yay!!! Thank you so much!!!



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