I'm as turned on as anyone by BB but let's be clear: non-consensual busting, except for self-defense, is assault.

 I know this won't win me any love here but I've been reading all of the stories of girls hitting guys for  for being annoying, too forward, for no reason at all etc. I'll be honest, I'm majorly turned on by these stories but the fact is hitting somebody, especially in such a devastating way, is actually criminal and if guys weren't ashamed, there would likely be prosecution of these kinds of actions. Think about if a guy just walked up to a girl and decked her in the face. Don't you think the authorities would be brought in?

So, if you think a guy assaulting a woman sexually or otherwise is a problem, then this should be a problem for you too. Now, if you think committing a violent crime against someone is 'ok' because you think it's fun or arousing, then so be it.  But I would be curious to unerstand how you can justify that and (presumably) still consider yourself a good/decent person. I know I often feel bad about myself just getting off on this stuff.

What about you?

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Well it would have started with my ex girlfriend, who told me a number of stories regarding how she'd used violence to get back at or control guys, particularly by kicking and kneeing their balls. It was at this time that I discovered my fetish, but at the same time realised how wrong it was and my moral objections to it only intensified when I learned they could rupture, torsion, and that neurogenic shock could result. she was not the type to hold back. she was not into it sexually however, and declined to hit me once I confessed to her. For a while I was fiercely opposed to any nonconsensual bb, and would sometimes comment angrily on things such as a ballbust (usually for revenge) being glorified in a movie. I once had a heated discussion with some female friends after a knee that left an antagonist humiliated on the floor for many minutes. The buster was later congratulated by family members. It was one of those teenage drama movies (I don't know why I let them make me watch it), and I argued that the guy had been a total ass, but that violence was not the answer for such things. they said that the girl in question acted rightly, that the guy deserved it, and that 'it's just a knee to the balls, it could be much worse'. Another time I was attempting to explain to a girl why a kick to the groin was not an appropriate response to a clumsy pickup line, and she absolutely didn't understand why not. 

much later I discussed the matter with an intimate female friend of mine, who told me she'd once kicked a friend from behind full force because she thought it would be funny. After seeing his reaction and nearly losing his friendship she realised how painful it was, and then no longer did it. 

My sisters have made numerous references to kicking guys in the nuts, though I've never seen them do it, and only heard specific stories regarding instantaneous reactions to percieved threats. but then they probably kept some stories away from me, having both endured rants from me regarding the matter.

another time a friend of mine was talking about how he'd had one turned blue by a kick that came from behind and struck with the toe of the shoe, squishing it against the pubic bone. He had had to seriously consider going to the hospital with it, though he turned out fine without. It had been delivered by a female friend who thought it would be funny (hmm, heard that situation before, once other besides the one above). A different mutual female friend of ours said it was indeed funny, but seemed shocked and thoughtful when we explained to her the various effects that kick could have had. 

In martial arts classes I have occaisionally had discussions concerning to what extent certain strikes to the groin constitute excessive force. generally, those who know what a well executed full force strike can do agreed it is a last resort, regardless of their gender. But of those who didn't realise the medical significance the girls are generally much more dismissive. 

nonetheless, a lot of girls may giggle when it happens onscreen, or is mentioned in a joking way, but have told me they would never do it unless they were in danger. 

se li,

Thanks for the thoughtful reply, it's a really interesting read.  You know a surprisingly large number of females who have expressed interest or actually done ballbusting, many more than I have known.  It's been a recurring event through your life.  

How did your personal fetish for ballbusting get started?  Was it when your (ex) girlfriend told you about how she had busted other guys?  I wonder why she refused to bust you after you told her of your interest.  Was it that she only busted balls when she was angry and so did not wish to hurt you like that?  Did she ever bust you before she knew you had the fetish?

Did she ever cause a significant injury to anyone's balls?  It sounds like she was proud of what she had done.  That is simultaneously intriguing yet disturbing, so I can understand your feelings.

I think the average young woman or girl tends not to give much detailed thought to how a boy experiences being hit in the testicles.  The girls know it hurts, and sometimes find it funny (depending on the situation) but they don't usually dwell on it much further, so when they see it in a movie they get a good laugh and a feeling of "girl power" and don't take it too seriously, much like the typical movie viewer doesn't get too upset about other violence we see in movies (car crashes, people fighting, etc.).  There's a certain emotional distance from something on a movie screen that we know isn't real.  I think most girls who would cheer loudly when the movie girl knees the movie boy in the testicles and sends him helpless to the floor in humiliation and pain, would not necessarily applaud the same thing happening in real life to someone they know.  Some would, but many would not.  For them, kneeing the boy in the balls and taking control is a kind of voyeuristic fantasy, one that appeals to them in a story but not something they'd normally want to do for real.

However there are some girls who are not so empathetic and the one who did not understand why a knee to the groin is an inappropriate response to a clumsy pickup line is a good example!  Had she ever kneed a guy like that?  What happened?

I think the common thread is that the girls know a knee to the balls is a good way to give a guy some serious pain, that it's way to express female physical and sexual power.  Mostly however they think this pain - while very strong, potentially even overpowering - is temporary, and that the guy will be all right a little while later, the only real bruise being to his ego which in their opinion he fully deserves.  Whether that's a correct view is open to debate of course, but that's what they think is true.  Most girls, even the rough ones, are not intentionally trying to cause permanent injuries.

A good example is your female friend who kicked her male friend from behind just for laughs.  It seems that she had no intention to hurt him badly.  But what exactly happened?  Was the male friend injured or just upset?  Was his pain severe?

I know some women who do martial arts and the interesting thing I find is that the more experienced they are, the more seriously they take the notion of a strike to the testicles (i.e. never do it unless your safety is threatened) but they also are more likely to say that it's not a fight-ending move, that most men can actually take a blow to the groin and keep fighting, and that a groin strike is useful only in combination with other moves.  It's the inexperienced martial arts women who are full of bravado about one hit to the balls being all it takes for them to win.

Do you have any personal experiences with a girl hitting your balls and it being painful in a truly extreme manner?

I have never been busted nonconsensually so I honestly cannot say how I would feel about it.  I think it would depend greatly on who did it, and why.  If someone was trying to injure me then there would be no pleasure in it whatsoever, even though I normally have a strong fetish for ballbusting.  I would just be angry.

But if I had an experience like the one you described, where a female friend kicked me and thought it would be funny, and (I assume) it was very, very painful and humiliating for me, I think I would be upset in the short term but probably forgive her after a little while since I would learn she didn't intend to harm me.  But the feeling of humiliation could be very strong and maybe hard to deal with.  Being physically incapacitated by a female kicking my testicles, humbling my manhood and laughing at my helplessness would be a real blow to my ego, to say the least.

And yet I am attracted to that very idea at the same time.  It makes me feel anxious and even a little scared, but somehow I also like it.  I don't quite understand how it's possible to have both these reactions simultaneously but I do.  I suspect that most of the men here on the site do.

I felt a lot more threatened by the thought of a girl kicking me in the balls when I was a teenager, and I hadn't quite realized that it was a fetish for me.  I was fascinated by it, but also defensive about it.  I hadn't experienced what it feels like yet so of course I imagined the worst, that even a moderate tap would cause paralyzing and embarrassing agony (it wasn't until later that I learned this is usually not true).  I privately liked it when girls would enjoy a ballbusting scene in a movie, but it would also make me feel a embarrassed even though it wasn't happening to me.  It made me feel vulnerable and weak in front of girls, which was tough to cope with.  And yet it was still fascinating.

The best thing I ever did for this was to go out last year and visit a pro domme who kicked my balls good and hard, and I enjoyed it, and she was a nice person, and I survived to tell the tale (LOL) and overall it was just a great experience, a way to face my fear as it were, and kind of own it.  Now that anxiety and defensiveness is a thing of the past, and I just like girls kicking my balls.  It doesn't feel threatening now, it just feels fun.  And if I hear a girl or a woman talking brashly about busting guys' balls nonconsensually, I simply don't engage.  I don't encourage it, and I don't take her too seriously.  But I also find such females to be exceptionally rare.  I am amazed (and maybe jealous!) that you know so many.

Yes, it all started with my ex girlfriend. She said she just thought it was 'wierd'. She didn't tell me that many specific stories, after I told her about my fetish she became uncomfortable telling me stories. She made a lot of references though, she mentioned that she needed her groin-kicking to win fights with her brother, and that mixed gender hockey is more fun when the boys don't wear cups. She never busted me, even before she knew, but she often feigned hits, particularly knees. she was lightning fast with those, usually leaving her knee hovering in front of my groin before I'd even noticed she was no longer standing several steps away from me. It drove me crazy!

so I don't know if she's ever done anything extreme. Her attitude really bothered me, despite attracting me. Even for a long time after our relationship ended I was still very conflicted, worried that I could never have a both emotionally and sexually satisfying relationship because of this. I've come to peace with it, after realising that there are girls who aren't genuinely violent, but are into bb, and after finding there are plenty of other sexual acts I liked. I also bothered in a non-sexual context by the general trivialisation I percieved happening in the minds of girls, precisely what you describe. I eventually realised that being preachy never got anyone anywhere, and I now tend to avoid the topic with girls, only ever calmly mentioning something when the topic comes up by itself. I also avoid getting too emotionally attached to girls who I am certain have a violent attitude. 

No, the pickup line girl had not. we were both pretty young and in a sheltered community, no one had ever used a sufficiently oafish line on her. Of course we can't know if she really would react with a kick to the groin, but the fact is that she considered the reaction appropriate nonetheless.

I was kicked once, not all that hard by my sister. I was very angry at her. I am not attracted to her, and she simply did it to win our argument, and I do not think such things acceptable.

It also seems sometimes like people, not just women but a lot of teenage boys, think that guys do not or should not have feelings. 

well, there are three such tales.

the one you are referring to is the case of my friend who is a dancer, who floored her friend from behind. I don't think he was injured, but she said he was gasping and gagging for several minutes, and on the floor for several more. That was what frightened her. 

another case I was told about by someone who witnessed it but was not involved. He told me a friend had come up behind another of their friends and kicked, flooring him for ten minutes, after which he had to go to the bathroom and came back and reported swelling. The person telling me the story said the girl still thought it was funny, and he also told the story with a laugh as well, though he'd been shocked at the time. 

the third case I've already mentioned. 

No, I don't have any experience with any serious nonconsensual bb. I tend to be fairly disarming in potentially confrontational situations. 

Lol, I used to shake with delibitation and nausea whenever the topic of ballbusting came up. I just remembered another conversation, involving my exgf and her friends laughing over the grab and twist, and just being present I felt emotionally shaken. I was shivering the whole time, nauseous, and I felt physically weak. For some reason that conversation was not even a turn on for me. nowadays I've become more relaxed, and I can talk calmly on the topic for at least a minute or two, though I am afraid to dwell on it too long because so many people consider it an awkward topic. Still haven't gotten any decent busting experiences though, trying to figure out how to make that happen. maybe I'll swing by a pro domme sometime like  you did. 

I can see what ya mean. Personally I only get turned on my busting and involved with it when im being sexually active with a girl. I dont really so much with the whole stay clothed 'sexual assault' kinda thing. for me its the kink sex side of it but having said that i know there are guys that are more turned on by the type of busting you bring up here. So i can completely understand when you say these things. I like when girls get rough and hard on me during sex and in a sexual act and i got a weirdly high pain tolerance buttt I know theres a good amount (majority) of guys that hate it, and when you bring up this point where girls will see this kinda reaction to a guy just joking around with her i can see the huge overraction that it would be on those guys. Yet again some (even most) guys are that much of a complete asshole they deserve it. Nothing pisses me off more then seeing the douchebags out there that completely make guys look bad by the way they act towards women

Thanks for making this thread.

I don't tend to fantasize about non consensual busts. It just doesn't interest me and I think it's the wrong approach to ballbusting.

It's wrong for women to bust unsuspecting men for sexual pleasure, and its wrong for me to provoke women with hopes of being busted. That's just manipulating violence and it's dangerous business.

oh you are wonderful :) 

simply perfect :-)

Yes, it's been an interesting conversation. I think it is complicated by the fact that, unlike you, many people (such as myself) see non consensual as the only 'real' form of bb and do indeed fantasize about it. It emphasizes the power differential.

 So, there are some seriously conflicting emotions involved in this whole thing for me and I suspect others.I hate unnecessary violence in theory but damn if it can't bea  turn on in practice.

I'm happy to have found the happy medium. For me, it's the non consensual or at least not just standing there letting it happen that is the turn on. So, my girlfriend knows my balls are fair game at any time and for any reason. This leads to some of the best busts when she is pissed about something or just wants to demonstrate and remind me how easy it is to dominate me. I have no idea that it is coming. She gets her satisfaction and I get mine.



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