I've got no responses from any of my recent posts, so I thought I would try a new subject line.
I've been so into this for a long, long, time, but I've only recently admitted it to my female friends. A couple of years ago I was quite drunk & doing some coke with this best, best, woman friend of mine who I have know for over 15 years. Best friend of mine and I've never kept anything from her except this one most embarrassing admission. So I finally revealed my deepest, darkest secret; and she just laughed at me.
"You're embarrassed about THAT?!? Do you know the sick fantasies I've satisfied for other guys over the years? Your fantasy doesn't involve animals, children, or hurting anyone else than yourself. That is so nothing."
So that made me more comfortable with acknowledging my kink, and honestly there has only been a couple women I've dated who have had any kind of problem with that.
I've had the unfortunate experience recently of finally getting several lovely young women to kick in the balls, but without the desired effect. Hopefully some day; but here is how I've done it but I would love to get more feedback on how to make that happen more reliably. Please give input...
First of all, don't just grab a woman's tit. I did that a few years ago at a party, when I was working out a lot and had a pretty reasonable physique. I came in a tank top and this woman I knew kind of casually grabbed one of my pecs and said, "Wow, you have a great chest." Turn about is fair play, I figured, so I grabbed one of her tits and said, "So do you."
I don't feel bad about it because she touched my chest first. But it wasn't effective in getting her to kick me. She just gave this look like, "Huh. This is a Hollywood party. Whatever." And walked away.
So that didn't work. I've also had the experience of; well, that doesn't matter. The best way I've found to get random sexy women in a bar to kick be in the balls (and I'd love feedback on making it more effective) is:
A) Somehow bring ball kicking into the conversation; like:
"Are you safe to go home alone?"
"I think so..."
"I hope you don't think that if some guy attacks you that you can just kick him in the balls. That's just bullshit."
And then she may respond that she has done that on occasion and it was quite effective, or else she might say she has always heard it was.
That's you chance to say something like: "Don't you get balls are the only way guys can act more macho and still still complain about pain? It's the only pain women can't relate to, So it's the only way macho guys can cry ow, ow, ow, and still be macho."
She may be unconvinced. "I don't know... The times I've done it or seen it, the guys seem pretty incapacitated...."
Me: "That's just bullshit. They are just acting up. Sure it hurts, but it just hurts. You can kick or knee me as hard as you want and I bet you a drink you won't put me down on the ground."
Well, that's worked pretty well for me, and by the way gotten me several free drinks. Unfortunately.
I've been very anonymous on this network for 6 months, but now I'm trying to participate and it would be nice to get someone to respond to my effort. Ideally a few women of course, but whatever... Just feedback.