Hello everyone, I want to set up some kind of guide, ways I think will make a better ballbusting bitch. I encourage anyone to add there own thoughts, male or female. These are just my opinion, and mainly the way I am when I am busting :) I will add things that have tried or done that work. Give me anything you can think of. I want to corrupt your mind ;)

1) There is always a reason to bust his balls.

Be it because he was staring at another woman, grabbed your ass, a smart ass comment, or maybe you just want to hurt his testicles to see him suffer as a man. Either way, there is always a reason your man NEEDS his balls busted, find it.

2) OWN his testicles.

Literally. As in your going to do whatever you want to them, when you want, how ever hard you want. Every second he is still able to function as man Is a special gift from you. Don't be afraid to constantly remind him of it either. Make him fear losing his balls every time you go near them.

3) Why have power, if you don't use it.

Don't ask to bust his balls, demand too. He is going to stand there and spread his legs and take as many hits as he can before he is on the floor, and then he gets busted harder for not being able handle it. Your goal is to bust, break, and shatter his manhood. It's his to goal to beg, plead, and bribe you not to destroy them. So tell him to start begging and make it good, you could always use more foot rubs, and body massages. See where I'm going with this.

I have more and will continue to add more as well. You are more then welcome to add more. One more thing; this is under the assumption that you are in a consensual bb relationship, I wouldn't suggest doing these things to strangers :)

ADVISORY: Could bring out a woman's BB bitch side. General caution is advised.
CAUTION: Men could find said BB bitch crazy and should take the begging part serious.

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:D This is by far the one of the nicest things that have been said to me. Thank you Foo Bar. I don't talk about ball busting like I do for an over dramatic effect. I really do love it that much, I am a sadist bitch on a massive power trip with a ball busting fetish. Highly combustibly elements here all rolled into one. Some don't believe me when I say I make him beg sometimes. Real honest to god begging. I like the sound of it. The first time i heard "baby please stop" come out of his mouth with tears in his eyes, I lit up like a light from from the inside out. It felt like electricity going threw my vain's. I was squeezing at the time, so when he said it, my first and only instinct was to squeeze harder, so I did. I effectively reduced his vocabulary to 4 words: please, stop, fuck, and Melinda. He was starting to panic but had no way of getting away. I could feel his fear. It turned me on, like all away on. I felt possessed, I just wanted to fuck and break his balls while I was doing it. Ecstasy is the only word I can use to describe it.
This one is as important as any other, because in my opinion there is no point if you don't use this one.

9) Eye contact.

Plain and simple. Look the man your about to de-ball in the eyes. Eyes are the windows to your soul, and his should be swiming in fear and anxiety right now, soon to be filled with pain as you kick him in the nuts. It's a very intimate moment, making him look into your eyes while your busting his most valuable assists. There is no other look quit like it.

I totally agree with this one, looking into each others eyes during and right after the bust communicates more emotions than anything you could say at that moment.  For me it's not just about accepting the pain it's putting aside any embarrassment or sign or weakness I may feel to let a woman "see into my soul" in this most vulnerable state that shows my devotion.  Plus it's just plain sexy when a woman is into it enough to closely observe and study the guys reaction.

Direct eye contact is a dominant behavior, an absolute must for the true ball busting bitch.  Used properly, the testicle owner will look down, or pop a tear, maybe even quiver his chin in fear of more pain in his prized possessions.  A deep throated laugh goes well here.  Then squeezing his balls, while telling him you know it hurts, but that it is for his own good, that testicles need training, and that some testicles need more training than others, like yours.  And our cozy lil break time is over so stand up straight, spread your legs and make me proud.  Look at me, look at me, that's it, good boy... pow!

Yesssss, Melinda!  Eye contact during ball crushing is essential... it's part of the emotional context.  And how she looks at me sets so much of the tone. 

Usually when a girl is busting me she has one of a few expressions.  Sometimes she's teasing, like a sex kitten, smiling and pouting.  Usually this is when she's edging me, busting me on each denial.  Other times she has that hard mean ultra-bitch look, and I know she really wants to see me suffer.  This is the look that brings out real fear in a boyfriend.  Most often tho, she has a look of amusement, like she's just playing with my pain, and might laugh or giggle.  Tiny women seem especially amused by how little strength they need to take control.  

All of those faces I have seen on my lady friends.  But I would be fascinated to see a video of my own face from her perspective.. to see what she sees when she's beating me. 

And also it makes that he use his pre-busting time to giving himself in body soul to you and no preparing to "endure the hit, if you see him looking your feet or feeling him in an attitude of guessing "when she will kick me", well another reason to bust him

This is a primary ingredient, to pretty much everything on here.

10) Confidence. You can't be a BB bitch without it. Doesn't matter if you are shy, timid, or quit. Grab his balls, look him dead in the eye, and tell him your going to crush them, or kick them, or whatever your style is, but you have tell him out load. If any thing sounds crazy when you say it then its probably worth saying. Remember, Your busting his balls because YOU WANT TO. Once you have him by the balls, you become his goddess, and a goddess demands payment. Tell him what to do! What you want! How you want it ;)

True that… With our species past history of abusive/dominant males it takes a strong confident woman to grab a man by the balls and threaten his manhood enough to control his every thought and action in order to get exactly what she wants from him… A true goddess…

I have such profound respect for a woman with that kind of confidence, I’d be a willing victim and endure the pain just to help satisfy her desires and reinforce how much power and control modern day women really have over men.

1) Only kick a man in the balls if he truly deserves it.

2) They ALL deserve it.

12) No Mercey. Sometimes you just have to show them that you are a goddess. Now this requires a good amount of trust so remember that before you just squeeze his balls until he crys. Because when he does is when you squeeze just a little bit harder, and when he can't take it anymore, give him some extra, and when he begs make sure it's genuine. A man writhing in agony while his balls are on the verge of bursting is hot, even hotter when he realizes that your not letting go when he begs.
YES! This Is a must.
"remember that before you just squeeze his balls until he crys."

Oooooo... That's very sexy, Melinda, thank you! =D



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