How Much Do You Know About Balls? Take the Teste Test!

Find out if you really know your way around a pair with this test that will stretch, yank, and twist your nut knowledge to the breaking point!

Keep track of your answers and compare them with the scoring sheet at the end of the test. Have fun, don't cheat, and see if you learn anything new that may make you a real ball buster!

1. A guy's ballsack can be drawn up tightly or dangle loosely according to {A}, Temperature, {B}, Stress, {C}, Arousal, {D}, All of the Above

2. Balls perform which of the following tasks: {A}, Produce Sperm, {B}, Produce Testosterone, {C}, Make Guys Annoying, or {D}, All of the Above.

3. Sperm are actually produced in {A}, The Nut Itself, {B}, The Tubes attached to the Back of the Nut, {C}, Neither of the Above.

4. A swift kick in the nuts will cause which of the following: {A}, Shortness of Breath, {B}, Back Pain, {C}, Stomach Pain, {D}, All of the Above, {E}, Only A and C.

5. True or False: Balls can only hang perpendicular to the floor, with the smooth area of their faces pointing forward in the direction the guy is facing.

6. True or False: A hard enough blow to the nads can force them back up inside a dude's body.

7. True or False: A serious impact to the balls can immediately make a guy's voice higher.

8. True or False: If a man cuts his ballsack while shaving it, it can hurt as much as a forceful punch in the nuts.

9. The cords that suspend the balls in the sack are extremely sensitive to: {A}, Twisting, {B}, Pulling, {C}, Pinching, {D}, All of the Above {E}, None Since Only the Ball Itself is Sensitive

10. True or False: Hard impacts to the balls can cause them to 'castrate themselves' by becoming twisted around their own tubing, cutting off bloodflow.

11. Without their balls, guys would experience: {A}, Tiredness, {B}, Weight Gain, {C}, Loss of Muscle, {D}, All of the Above, {E}, Only A and C.

12. True or False: Giving a dude a serious wedgie can hurt his balls.

13. True or False: Guy's nuts can be cracked open like eggs.


1. {D}, All of the Above. Ballsacks tighten in response to cold weather, sexual arousal, and fight or flight response, and of course relax in warm weather.

2. {D}, All of the Above. Women should've gotten this right away.

3. {A}, Sperm are produced in the nut itself and then sent to the tubes attached to the back of the ball for storage.

4. {D}, All of the Above. Because they first develop in the abdominal area, balls are wired into the nerves in the stomach and lower back. The loss of breath from a blow to the nads is similar to the loss of breath when struck in the stomach due to the nervous response to pain in that area.

5. False. Balls can also hang with their faces pointing to the floor, or even backwards, with their backs facing forward in the same direction as the guy's face! (They're super vulnerable that way.)

6. True. The canal which the balls descend through in infancy never fully closes, which means the balls can be forced back up into that canal. Because they're much too large after puberty to be comfortably accommodated by this passage, the experience is extremely painful.

7. False. The pitch of a man's voice is determined by the length of his vocal cords and cannot be changed by a blow to his nuts.

8. False. The nerves in the skin of the ballsack are unrelated to the extremely sensitive nerves inside the testicles themselves.

9. {D}, All of the Above. There are a lot of ways to get control of a man!

10. True. Some men are susceptible to a condition called "Testicular Torsion," which constitutes a medical emergency and causes irreparable damage to the balls after a few hours.

11. {D}, All of the Above. The hormone testosterone that is produced by the balls is responsible for regulating a man's muscle mass, body weight, and mood.

12. True. If he's wearing briefs, wedgies can actually pin a guy's nuts up against his body and apply considerable pressure to them!

13. True. Testicles are essentially a big bundle of tubing that is encased in a membrane which can be rupturered with sufficient force.


If you answered....

1 to 3 questions right: You're a Nut Novice

3 to 5 questions right: You're a Certified Sack Smacker

5 to 8 questions right: You're a Bag Basher

8 to 11 questions right: You're a Ball Breaker

11 to 13 questions right: You're a Qualified Castrator!

All 13 questions right: I've got my legs closed.

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