You cried, puked, passed out, had swelling or bruising? If so tell me about it. Was it during a session, accident? Self-bb or a partner?

~Miss Princess Candy

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When I was fourteen, a friend of mine kneed me there very hard after her friends dared her to do it. It was the first time I had ever been struck in the testes, and the shock from it overwhelmed me. I cried and was unable to walk for awhile, and had very bad swelling and bruising for a long while. 

Until today, my left testicle is still misshapen and extremely sensitive.

Never puked. Have cried a couple times, mostly when I was younger and still getting used to the feeling (though I've choked down tears in the last year or two). Swelling and bruising are pretty routine.

Passing out is an interesting experience, because it's generally very surreal. I sort of love it, actually: there's a combination of an overwhelming sense of pain, but also this weird detachment (you can still feel the pain, but just in a "I'm so screwed right now" on-looker type of way, where you are almost just sympathizing with yourself), then you drop to the floor to see the person responsible, generally really smug, for your last few seconds of consciousness. Coming to afterwards is also great, because it's hilariously disempowering/humiliating (that, like, a single kick basically completely incapacitated you). That happens not routinely, but often enough for me.

I've had several times where I couldn't breathe for a little while. But I did have my balls get bruised one time kinda bad. I asked this girl to kick me in the balls (I said I lost a bet) and she wasn't holding back. I was getting up from a kick and she went behind me and kicked me so hard that she lifted me off the ground a little. Needless to say, when I checked my package, there was a nice sized bruise on my left nut (most of the impact from the last kick went right to the left).
Had an ex who used to use my balls for a bargaining tool. Broke up with her and she went psycho. Kicked me in the nuts so hard I went unconcious. Her girlfriend next week punched the junk but wasn't near as bad.

Current gf kicked so hard my eyes crossed and i couldn't focus them for a few minutes.

Hit in the balls so hard that my body wouldn't stop shaking! A few years ago I had a session with a beautiful pro domme. It was our first or second session. It started out w/ CBT with clothespins then moved to pure BB. About 30-40min in my entire torso started to spasm and shake. As I laid on the ground she started to worry a little bit and pressed her hands on my chest to see if it would stop. It wouldn't but she continued anyway. She was having too much fun and I wasn't going to stop her :)



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