GUYS: The women on this website are not ballbusting robots here for your pleasure...

It has been brought to my attention that there are a handful of guys on this website who have been a tad overbearing toward the females on this website. GUYS (some guys not all guys) SERIOUSLY these women are not paid professionals they are regular human beings just like you, who happen to also love ballbusting. They go to university, they pay mortgages, they have kids, they love music and have a ton of other interests and lifestyle preferences, so please fella's change up the topic from time to time. Just because these women love ballbusting, it does not make them ballbusting robots here for your pleasure. GUYS Please stop asking the same questions and making the same requests over and over and over. All it does is make some female members very annoyed and very uncomfortable. Several women have already told me they have not been coming to this website as often because of this behavior. I want to get this out in the open and I want to have it intelligently debated and discussed. If anyone has any gripes, constructive tips and additional comments please express yourself.

Expanding on the original post:

We all must be a bit more considerate to the overwhelming messages and Inboxes these women get. If the ladies are busy please do not be offended and do not overwhelm them when they get on. If they are busy bow out graciously and let someone else have chat time with them. I mean seriously we outnumber the ladies about 25 to 1. We need to be more conscious as a community to help create a more effective system so that its fun and not a chore. Ladies you can make it easier on yourselves if there are too many private chats take some of them to the main room. I wish there was a way for you to block someone but there isn't... if someone has a better idea please state it.

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There are a small number of individuals, both male and female that seems to chat about the same exact story, No deviation what so ever from the last conversation we may have had. It’s like we’re chatting for the very first time. I have no problem talking about ball busting with the KITG members. This is a ball busting site and I’ve enjoyed some of the conversations I’ve had on that subject. So please keep the ball busting talk coming. Another issue I’ve run into while in the chat room is the number of chat sessions that just seem to pile on at once. Last week I had to log off because I had ten chats going at once, I couldn’t keep up. From this point forward I’m going to have a first come, first serve policy to keep my sanity. I think I can keep up with four chats at once so that will be my cut off. Sorry people, I’d love to be able to chat with every single one of you, but the moment I have to become a mad typist, it’s no longer conversation or fun.
To expand on what Dvhour has said, even the few here that ARE professionals probably don't want to talk about it 24/7. It's not necessarily a lifestyle, it's just a kink. As stated, we're all normal people, with this kink. I go to a college for video game programming, and am in the Army where I show up once a month to blow the fuck out of landscape for no real reason. We're all different, we're all individuals. Be considerate to how everyone feels. Sure, ask some questions to help break the ice if you need to, but see if they're comfortable with it, first. Some girls may just be here to see what everyone else says, and may not want to talk too much. Or others that normally do enjoy it could just be tired of the same stuff.

Think up new questions, test each individual to see what they're comfortable with talking about, and if one of you aren't comfortable with talking about someone's groin being crushed in, talk about something else! This may be a more focused forum than most others out there, but it's still a forum where you can talk with everyone else and socialize, and make friends with people. Don't spam females with private chats the moment they log on; talk with them through the inbox, or the main chat; make their lives a little less hectic on the site.

Pretty please?
I had written a post that didn't make it up for some reason. I'll try an abbreviated attempt at what I wrote.

1) Thank you for understanding and try to help us with our situation in the chat room.

2) I'm going to limit my chats to three sessions, four is a bit much for me to juggle, I'm not quite as nimble as Susan so three is going to be my magic number.

Cool, that's all I really wanted to say. I'm crossing my Fingers and hoping this finally makes it in.
Wish there was a like button !
If they don't like talking about the fetish, why come to a fetish website? This doesn't seem like a problem with the men so much as the women being whiny. Nobody forces them to come here. Nobody forces them to open or read anything.

I think greeneyedsusan's post is the best reaction to this thread that I've read from a woman so far.
I agree with you Zig, it's a really easy fix. If you don't like someone, just ignore him/her. That works for me. If you can't handle multiple chats, set a cap for yourself like Sarah and Susan. I remember the guys that like repeating the same thing over and over again, I just ignore them. I think you're missing one point Zig, It's not the topic that's bothering us, it's the same questions and same storys from the same guy every single time. I'm sure you wouldn't like that either.

zig said:
If they don't like talking about the fetish, why come to a fetish website? This doesn't seem like a problem with the men so much as the women being whiny. Nobody forces them to come here. Nobody forces them to open or read anything.

I think greeneyedsusan's post is the best reaction to this thread that I've read from a woman so far.
Hence my point we don't want to delete these guys we want to help correct their communication skills so that they can be better citizens on the site. This isn't about male bashing its about common sense social skills. All I want to do is have some of the guys be a tad more considerate and be more understanding towards the women on this site because its not fair and it can be overwhelming to the point where someone may not want to be here. Just trying to help the sistahs out a bit.

Nasty Nicole said:
I agree with you Zig, it's a really easy fix. If you don't like someone, just ignore him/her. That works for me. If you can't handle multiple chats, set a cap for yourself like Sarah and Susan. I remember the guys that like repeating the same thing over and over again, I just ignore them. I think you're missing one point Zig, It's not the topic that's bothering us, it's the same questions and same storys from the same guy every single time. I'm sure you wouldn't like that either. zig said:
If they don't like talking about the fetish, why come to a fetish website? This doesn't seem like a problem with the men so much as the women being whiny. Nobody forces them to come here. Nobody forces them to open or read anything.

I think greeneyedsusan's post is the best reaction to this thread that I've read from a woman so far.
I dont see what the problem is. This is a ballbusting site, why are people getting upset about other people wanting to have conversations about it? Would you go to a forum about cars and expect to not have conversations about cars?
On another note, how would a guy possibly be able to tell if someone was chatting with nine other people? How would you suggest dealing with that complaint?
I think you missed the point, it's not the ballbusting conversation that bothers people, it's hearing the same story over and over again.

Jeremy Horn said:
I dont see what the problem is. This is a ballbusting site, why are people getting upset about other people wanting to have conversations about it? Would you go to a forum about cars and expect to not have conversations about cars?
That's easy, I use what's called common courtesy. If I'm at my limit w/ chats and another one pops up, I'll let that person know I'm at my limit. It's that simple and easy.

Jeremy Horn said:
On another note, how would a guy possibly be able to tell if someone was chatting with nine other people? How would you suggest dealing with that complaint?



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