UPDATED: September 26, 2010

Q1. ASL?
A. Stupid question, move on to the next.

Q2. Do you start getting excited with an anticipatory anxiety when you know you are about to kick somebody?
A. yes, i feel my blood pressure rise with anticipation, i become warm and flush. I've experienced this same feeling when I've competed in scholastic level basketball and also before i would roll out on convoy in Iraq, there is a sense of excitement and danger. Probably a more tangible example for many of you would be the feeling we all felt as children on Mischief Night. The feeling Just before you were about to soap up your neighbors window or wrap his favorite tree with toilet paper. That's the feeling i get the second i realize I'm going for the balls.

Q3. Would you damage (Pop) a man's testicles if he asked you to?
A. NO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Q4 - Are you interested in meeting anyone for a special session?
A - No, I've been a part of the bb community for over 5 years, I never met anyone from the Cyber World and i never plan to.

Q5 - Why don't you try to get Ashley to join this site?
A - Sorry people, Ashley will never join the Internet ballbusting community. I have tried for several years to get her to do a simple Kramtoad survey, but she has no interest in it.

Q6 - What's going to happen once you get married?
A - I'm not going to change my ways because I'm married, I plan on being myself. My future husband used to really get into this fetish when we first met. I used to bust him a few times a month, but maturity took over and the busting dwindled for various reasons, I think. In the past two and a half years he's been busted only four times by me. Once we're married and live together, I can't promise those numbers will remain that low or high, who knows : )

Q7 - Are you still in the Army?
A - I'm a member of the New Jersey National Guard, I'm a reservist, not a full time Soldier.

Q8 -
As a female, what drew you into military service?
A - About eight years ago, I was a student at a local Community College, i had just finished my Associates in Accounting. After receiving my two year degree, i knew i didn't want to become an Accountant or continue my education in Accounting. My Father and Grandfather became very upset with my choice. They said If i wanted to continue with my college education, it would be on me, they weren't going to fund my education anymore. I didn't know what i was going to do, I was driving around one day and i passed a recruiting station, i walked in and learned about all the educational benefits the NJNG had to offer it's soldiers, I signed up that day, two months later i was at Fort Leonardswood, MO and the rest is history. Both my Father and Grandfather tried talking me out of my choice, they said they would pay for my education, but i stuck to it and now I'm a part time MP/ weekend warrior.

P.S. Both my father and Grandfather are Accountants.

Q9 - Were you also attracted to her (the bartender from that bar bust) or any other woman ?
A - I was actually very flattered by the way the bartender became attracted to me, It didn't go any further then a few smiles and kind words.

To answer the second part of your question, yes, I have been attracted to other women and i have become intimate with one or two, i may not share the same passion you have, Tawny, but i do love the tender exchange i receive from another woman. I consider myself very Bi-curious.

Last autumn while on my way to work, I decided to visit a small coffee shop that I rarely frequent.  I got my coffee and sat down at an open table, I had some time so I just relaxed with my cup of Joe and did a little people watching. I looked over and noticed a woman in her early 30’s staring at me and then my legs, she did this several times. She’d smile and look shyly away from me. I was so tempted to walk over and talk to her, but as I was about to, she shot me a smile got up and walked away.  She had such beautiful and full lips with chocolate brown lipstick and an amazing smile that would light up a room. As she walked out towards the door, I couldn’t help but notice her tight spandex pants and nice mid calf leather boots showing off her shapely legs and butt. When I think about her, Alyssa Milano first comes to mind and honestly, I would have enjoyed a little taste.

Q10 - What's your opinion on Cyberbusting?

A - I've been asked this particular question many, many times. At first, i had fun with at least the scenario driven version of Cyberbusting where we would come up with a improvisational story line, but i was asked to do this so many times over such a short period of time that i became totally burnt out on doing it ever again. The second version of Cyberbusting of telling the guy what to do with his balls over messenger doesn't make any sense at all and just isn't fun period. Yes, I've played both versions before. 

Q11 - Have u ever been asked by website owners to be a ballbusting model?

A - I have been asked once or twice, but being in the military with a security clearance and having a job in the corporate world, this would be totally detrimental to that part of my life, I have a feeling my chain of command with either of these institutions would not look favorably on my starring roll.

ATTENTION ALL MEMBERS: if you have any further questions to ask this individual please leave a reply comment below. No this does not replace the Chat Room or the Inbox, it just helps this individual streamline their time better on the site.

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Do you think that your husband, knowing you're already in the 'mood', makes an effort to avoid getting busted by you ? Does he ever wrestle you down or grab you close enough so you won't be able to bust him ?

Has he or anyone else ever tried to (playfully) get back at you ? I mean stuff such as tickling, spanking, maybe pouring some ice all over you, sand in your bikini bottoms...

When he, the husband is not in the mood, my husband has had some success in avoiding my playful ways, but not always. I seems kicks are the easiest to avoid because they're so telegraphed. Knees and backhands are much more successful at finding their mark. Not sure why i was able to hit him with the back kick, maybe he had other things on his mind that day.

Yes, he gets playful and tickles the hell out of me if he's able to block my attempts and he's able to catch me, but I'm as quick as a mongoose. he he he.

Tickling seems to be the most popular form of retaliation with my husband and others. Water down the bikini bottoms more then sand actually. 

From your fun story "Playful Fun with Hubby". I was just wondering if your husband or the two girls that live down stairs had anything to say to you the next morning or day?

The next morning, Jessie had nothing to say to me, her and Claire only witnessed the first hit and knows nothing about all the other fun we had.

But Claire did ask if my husband was OK and then giggled and smirked.

My husband said, " At least I'm not sore this morning". 

I got better responses from the members here then from the actual witnesses and victims :D

When you are kicked man in the balls ,do you think how long he felt  it  and about the damage from your kick?

damage rarely crosses my mind unless i hit the guys super hard like the Guido on the boardwalk, the tequila drunk at the bar among others. I do wonder how long he's got a reminder that I hit him thinking "That bitch", i wonder about his swelling and bruising all the time.

I bet this two guys still remember your devastating kicks:))))...i can only imaging what is in his pants after so hard kick

hello bustbaby, i have a pretty good feeling they both remember me quite well, not sure if the tequila drunk remembers my face, but I'm sure my actions lingered a few days after as a sore, tender reminder.

hello susan,i am not sure if this drunk remembers your face,but i am sure he remember your toes and puma shoes very well...i think ,you sent this two guys directly in surgery

What about long term effects ? I'm no expert on this but I believe that a 'super hard' shot might also cause low testosterone levels which can lead to all sorts of things: low libido, loss of muscles, depression, importance... that guy from the boardwalk might be thinking 'that bitch' every day since. And if you actually did that to him then I imagine that his friends who witnessed you devastating him, must have noticed the change in him as a result and are probably left a bit traumatised themselves. Then again even if there was no long term damage, he's still the guy who got totally owned and humiliated by a girl right in front of his boys, so the best case scenario for him isn't all that great too. I think it's safe to say he'll remember you for as long as he lives. How do you feel about that ??

As i told bustbaby, I know he'll never forget what happened that summer afternoon. I have a strong feeling he's done this to other women and I'm sure many of them were flattered. Little did he know, i wasn't one of those dizzy "Snooki" bitches that might fawn over such actions.

Where do you rank the 'kick from behind' on your favorite techniques list ? The combination of striking low and striking from behind makes this one the dirtiest of the dirtiest, doesn't it ? What's your most memorable 'bust from behind' story, if you care to share another story ?



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