Hey everyone, I've been a silent member here for a few years, but I figure now is a pretty good time to make my first post as I'm soon to participate in my first ballbusting session.

After almost a decade of being interested in ballbusting, I'm finally growing the balls to go ahead with it and I have arranged for a girl to kick me. I've had a few opportunities in the past, but when push came to shove I blew it. With this girl I contacted, I've been completely honest with her, I've said its a fetish rather than some sort of dare. While she doesn't feel anything for the fetish, she is being very open to the idea and has said she is willing to kick me as soft or hard as I want. I sent her a video of these brutal kicks and she replied saying if I want it that hard I can get it (I found this incredibly hot but also scary at the same time). She suggested she could bring a selection of her shoes and see if I can take. She also said she would finish me off with a BJ which was very surprising, because in the original message I just asked to be kicked, in a fully clothed environment. This led to me suggesting could we play some games including strip ballbusting, if I fall I remove a piece of clothing, but if I stay on my feet she take's off a piece. Then she even said if her face is covered we can record some lol

Anyway as excited as I am, I've got to be realistic I've never properly been hit in the nuts bar some little taps, and a soft kick from my very petite 15 year old (At the time) girlfriend. I've no idea if I can take 1 kick without crumbling to the ground for 10 mins, let alone if I'll even like it? I'm sure there has been people that have fantasized about being kicked in the balls until it actually happens and then they figure out they don't actually like it?

Anyway I guess my point of posting this is if there any advice anyone can give me? Should I ease into it or just go full on? Would I better getting kicked hard with a cup on, or soft without a cup? How can I do this without causing any damage/bruising?

Would appreciate any advice :)

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Hey :)  Being nervous is totally fine!  Start with her kicking really soft and then slowly increase the force to get a feel for how things are.  Definitely start with her being barefoot first, as that's going to be safer and easier to control.  Getting kicked hard while wearing a cup might be fun just so you know how hard she can actually hit, to make you nervous ;)  But definitely start light and progress from there.  For what it's worth, I found that it didn't hurt as bad as I'd initially expected,that I had a higher pain tolerance than expected- so your experience may vary.

I'm happy to answer any questions you might have!

Hey mate, i completely agree with Allen on this. one thing i would add is to just ask her, at one point, maybe towards the end of the session, is to just give you a really hard (even full force) barefoot kick. even if it's agonising, at least you will have that experience and won't crave it if you leave that session without experiencing it! best of luck and let us know how it goes!



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