Hello everyone! I'm a bit of amateur writer, and, being also a big fan of both BB and CB, I'm looking to do a bit of a co-operative story featuring vicious back-and-forth fighting, with plenty of low blows on both sides of the fence. I'm wondering if there are any ladies who would be interested in this sort of text based roleplay.

A typical set up would be some sort of underground fight club or an medieval arena. We could certainly take a more fantastic direction, making use of franchise settings like World of Warcraft, Warhammer 40k, and others. I've also had some success running this using gaming systems like D&D as well. While my own preferences lean more towards more visceral scenes, there's certainly room for discussion.

Ultimately, I'd like to make something from the RP available to the community too (I consider the story jointly owned by the authors involved, so I won't post anything with explicit permission).

If you have interest, questions or comments, please post below or send me a PM!

PS. I'd post this to Brainstorms and Stories, but that doesn't appear in the Category dropdown menu...

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