Dear KITG,

The day has finally come... after six long years, I'm leaving the site.

Donation time has always been excruciatingly frustrating, but this

year has been exceptionally bad: I can never get answers from 

Dvhour because he is never around. I've been carrying the site for

four years now, doing 95% of the work and all I ask of Dvhour is for

him to handle the whole donation headache, but every year, I can

never reach him to get answers on how we're doing. We were supposed

to talk this weekend to figure out what to do with the site from here,

but as usual, he was not around and it is IMPOSSIBLE to get an answer

out of him. I have reached the end of my patience.

Even worse, only 56 people donated this year, with only 5 days left

before the deadline. 56 out of 8000 members!! Every year, we get

at least 100 loyal members to keep this site going, and even that is

pathetic, considering we have 8000 members. But, this...this is an

all-time low. I can't tell you how disheartening this feels to me. With

all the time and energy I put into this place, it is beyond insulting.

If only 56 people think this site, and my work, is not even worth a few

dollars, why the fuck are we here?? This tells me that it is time to go.

Whether or not you make the deadline, I am done here. I want to thank

all who donated the past five years and kept us online. I want to thank

all who shared their wonderful videos and pictures and stories because

we couldn't exist without your contributions. I want to thank the core

of the community, the dedicated who made this site a was

you that I stayed for to make this site a HOME. And as utterly frustrated 

as I am right now with him, I want to thank Dvhour for trusting me to

run the site...I had some wonderful experiences because of it, and there

may be a couple more in the works ;) But most of all, I want to thank all

of you who shared your experiences and stories and lives...your hearts

and souls, with me...I stayed this long because of you.



I will leave this open for a week, until I leave. Please feel free to leave

any hellos or goodbyes, any final thoughts, good or bad...or say hi on

chat. I don't want this to be a somber last week...I want to celebrate 

it, so I will be answering any last questions and sharing my thoughts on

blogs, discussions, stories, etc. Let's make it a happy final week :)

~ Mallory ~

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It survived another year at least :) Thanks, I wish you the best as well, PTP.

I'm very saddened that you're leaving Mallory, as are all of us I'm sure. You did a fantastic job administrating this site and made it a happier, more welcoming place to be. It won't be the same without you. I hope to see you around on other sites some time but if not, I wish you a long, happy life filled with many busted nutts. =)

Chefda, those are lovely words...thank you for being a great friend to the site!

I am quite proud that I'm leaving it a happier, more welcoming place :)

No problem, any time. =)

You have every right to feel proud. ^-^

Hi Mallory. So sad to hear this :( I donated because I think this site is great. But sad that you have to go. Maybe one day we can meet and you can crush my testicles :) email me! Thanks for donating so much time and effort to this site!

Plums, so glad you think we're a great site - thank you muchly for donating! 

It WAS a lot of time and effort...always nice to hear words of appreciation :)

Thank you for all you've done, Mallory! We will all miss you! And those who say otherwise are idiots! You rule.

Nobody said otherwise, Rick...not to me. It's been kind of sappy actually :)

And thanks, I will miss you all good Chatmonsters.

Alas, I will be signing off of KITG this Tuesday night... thank you, thank you, thank you

for all of the messages in public and in private. The outpouring of love really warmed

this ballbuster's heart :) Much love right back to each and every one of you ❤

Thank you Mal Mal :* for everything you've done.

Me 2!!

thank you Mal for everything you've done

I hope maybe you can come back as a visitor?

I wish you all the best of luck..We really, really shall miss you!!!


Frans, my friend, I cannot visit as a member...I will just want to bust balls like an Admin :P

You know me, I love to push men around and have them by the balls ;) I'll miss you too...

thank you for everything 



As of November 28, 2024 these folks have donated.

  1. Dvhour (Site Owner)
  2. Square initials TR
  3. PayPal initials DH
  4. PayPal initials ZC
  5. PayPal initials TD
  6. PayPal initials PJ
  7. PayPal Smoo
  8. PayPal initials MB
  9. PayPal 2swollen
  10. PayPal init' SdB
  11. PayPal initials JK
  12. PayPal initials NM
  13. PayPal initials ES
  14. PayPal initials BB
  15. PayPal initials EJ
  16. PayPal JK (again)
  17. PayPal PJ (again)
  18. PayPal initials DG
  19. PayPal initials JR
  20. PayPal initials SS
  21. PayPal initials EZ


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