See title? Ive never! seen it

I prefer busts that were intended, so not accidental. what happened, how did the girls act afterwards?

how hard was it, how long on the floor etc


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I've experienced a ton of them, mostly in high school.  My friends back then just seemed to think it was funny!

I suppose I receive "non-consent" busts every now and then. Like just the other evening, the lady and I were preparing dinner and all evening I had noticed she had been pretty preoccupied with some text conversation. Normally I don't care but this time it seemed unusual so I was curious, so finally at one point her phone was left on the counter and it lit up with a new message. Being closest to it, I grabbed her phone and immediately she freaked and demanded that I give it to her. I said nope, started to read it, and in an instant she was there trying to take it from me. I managed to twist my hands free and held her phone directly up above in the air so she couldn't reach it haha. She's not short (5'7ish) but she hates when I say things or do things to tease her about being short. But to her credit as an intelligent woman, she straight away used her female advantage and kneed me in the nuts. I dropped to my knees and she easily pulled her phone out of my hand. I didn't consent to the knee but I guess I was kinda asking for it haha, it's just a matter of perspective.

I've seen several intentional, nonconsensual busts. When I was in middle school a lot of the girls liked to rack guys for fun. Here are a few of my favorite stories:

I was at my locker one morning and a girl was at hers a couple of lockers over from mine. She was with a couple of her friends and she was switching books for the next class. She grabbed one book and looked through it trying to find her homework. She didn't see it and realized her locker partner had taken her book by mistake. She got really mad and said to her friends, "Grrrrrr! He took my book instead! Now I'm gonna get a zero on my homework! When I see him I'm gonna rack hiiiim!" No sooner had she said that than her locker partner came over. "Hey Monica! How's it...OOOFFF!" She grabbed his shoulders and slammed her knee into his nuts, cutting him off in mid sentence. He dropped to the ground, holding his balls and gasping for air. "You took my book, John. You're lucky you came over before class started. Otherwise I would've gotten a zero on my homework and believe me, I would've given you more than just that little love tap on your nuts. Make sure you have the right book from now on!"

Another time, between classes, I was walking past 2 girls and I overheard one say to the other, "The next time he grabs your butt take your knee and drive it into his nuts." The other girl nodded and said, "Yeah I'm gonna do that for sure."

Before English class started this guy named Billy was standing in the aisle blocking it so a girl named Melissa couldn't get by. She said, "Move, Billy, or you're gonna regret it." He said, "What're you gonna do?" With lightning speed she shot her hand out and grabbed him by the balls. His eyes bugged out and he grabbed her wrist. A sly smile came over her face as she rolled his nuts around in her hand, squeezing them hard. He gasped in short bursts, saying, "Ppllease Missy. Pplleaase lleett goooo." Her smile widened as she said, "Say you're sorry, Billy." "iiii'mmm sooorrryy, Missy," he managed to squeak out. Missy looked over at her friend Veronica and said, "See? I know how to get by," and let him go.

Before school started all of the kids would gather in the gym. One time these guys were wrestling and one guy had the other stretched across his back. So imagine guy 1 had guy 2 laying across his back with his arms pinned (they were back to back with the guy on the bottom holding the other guy's arms). The guy on top had his legs spread trying to keep his balance. A girl named Melanie came by and gave the guy with his legs spread a powerful karate chop right in the nuts. His legs instantly slammed shut and he cried out in agony. The guy on the bottom had no idea what had happened so he let the other guy go. The one on top flopped onto the floor, folded in half, trying desperately to breathe. Melanie and a bunch of other girls were giggling and pointing at him. The bell rang so we all went to class (it so happened he was in my first period). Our teacher, who was female, asked where the guy was and one of the girls said, "Melanie Finn karate chopped him in the balls before class and he was laying on the floor in the gym before the bell rang." It was obvious the teacher was trying really hard not to laugh. About 20 minutes later the guy limped into class, gingerly slid into his seat and laid his head down. The teacher came over to him and whispered something to him. He nodded and she smiled, then went back to teaching. He didn't move the entire period and when the bell rang to end the period his head was still down and still not moving. The teacher came over to him again and rubbed his shoulder, trying really hard not to laugh.

HI I just have 2 questions. 1. That girl Melissa nickname was missy? Sounds like she was a notorious ballbuster, was she known to go for the balls?

2. Was ballbusting common at your school? It seems like the teacher wasn't going to do anything but laugh haha.

I was busted by a prostitute.

Picked her up in a hotel bar, agreed price and service, went up to the room, paid her, she put the money in her bag and came out with a pepper spray, sprayed me in the eyes and then kicked me in the balls.

It hurt like hell.

I was on the floor when she left the room with my money!

yikes, pepper spray? Were you expecting that?

No! I was expecting to have sex with her!

I used to see this a lot back in middle school. There were a few that liked to do it.  There was this girl that I used to hang out with that kicked guys balls for very little reason and there was this one guy that used to provoke her then get his balls kicked a lot.  He would go from "haha" to "ooooooh" a lot.  I got kicked by her once when I was about 13

There was this other girl in my camp that liked to punch guys in the balls.  One guy she hung out with would get sack tapped every couple weeks.  I once heard her admitting to a counselor that she hit his balls for fun and nothing happened she kept doing it.

After that time period it's been very sporadic unfortunately :( 

Nice! hahaha
Was the counselor female?

And remember some hard memorable busts?

No the counselor was male.  And what that girl I mentioned doing to the person who provoked her got some pretty hard hits to the balls.  I don't remember what he would say but whatever it was it worked.  There were tons more girls that threatened but it didn't happen as often as the threats rolled out

A lot during high school, like everyone else. A few that stand out;

During my first two weeks in "big school" (as I was eleven) I saw a guy piss off a girl, and two friends grabbed hold of his shoulders from behind and kicked his legs out wide. She took a double step up and kicked him hard in the balls. It made quite the sound, and he fell like a sack of spanners.

Once in class I observed a new school trend called "posting". Outside four guys grabbed their mate, one on each limb, then ran him nuts first in to a lamp post.

Another school game was to play peanuts/ I imagine most people played this by one name or another. my mate was competing against a girl with a reputation for kicks. Once their hands were locked she raised his arms up and kneed him straight in the nuts. Needless to say, she won.

My own briefest encounter was when we were all 15/16 and everyone was a lot more curious f each other. We were queuing to enter the class and a girl in front of my was wildly swinging her arm (open handed, I notice). Which then QUITE ACCIDENTLY just happened to grab my crotch. She just gave me a little smile, then went in to class.



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