Hello everyone, my name is Colette and this is my interview.


My profile home page http://kickedinthegroin.ning.com/profile/Colette

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Well, not sure the places I've busted would be classified as good places for ballbusting. They're just common areas that happened to be the location I was at. Do you know of any in the Bay area?

Wutchaknoboutdat said:
I notice you're at the bay area. I'm in Utah but I'm from the bay area as well. I'm thinking about going sometime in the next month or so. According to you, what are some good places for ballbusting in SF?

Hey Colette, you mentioned that after busting the guy who came at you, you checked up to see if he went to any hospitals, so presumably you were interested in knowing what kind of damage you caused him.  If it had turned out that you had "turned his nuts into nut butter", so ruptured one or both of them, do you think this would turn you on even more when you look back on it?

You said that you remember the look on his face when he was worried about his manhood after you kneed him - do you ever fantasize about what a guy's face would look like the moment after you popped one of his balls?

have you ever busted a guy because he was being a pervert?how?explain the story

You know what, you may have said about the fisherman's wharf as something tongue in cheek, but i think there would actually be many girls and women lining up to kick you. If you are serious, give me a time frame on when you plan on doing this, i may have to show up and contribute my dollar. Ah yes the Castro, I would imagine so.


No, I've busted 4 individuals since moving to the area and none of them asked me to do them the favor. My actual buddy it seems would rather prefer it coming sincerely from me when i want to do it.

Wutchaknoboutdat said:

I've heard about some bb in the castro. I have also dreamed about going to Fisherman's Wharf and being like those guys that do something when you put money in their bucket. I've thought about wearing a wrestler mask and take a bucket with me to Fisherman's Wharf. I would have a sign that said "Girls kick my balls! $1 per kick" and see how many girls would kick.


Have you busted anyone who asked you for it in the bay?

Colette said:

Well, not sure the places I've busted would be classified as good places for ballbusting. They're just common areas that happened to be the location I was at. Do you know of any in the Bay area?

Wutchaknoboutdat said:
I notice you're at the bay area. I'm in Utah but I'm from the bay area as well. I'm thinking about going sometime in the next month or so. According to you, what are some good places for ballbusting in SF?
My best story was definitely from a man that didn't know it was going to happen, but when i think about it, none of my men actually knew i was going to hit them in the bollocks. I would imagine some suspected it though.

Benjamin said:
Do you think it is more fun to bust a guy that knows you are going to do it or one that doesn't expect it?
Fisherman's Wharf eh?

That's not a bad idea wutcha... Colette, would you consider being the San Fransisco Bushwoman... Hide behind a some bush leaves and jump out at passers by with a stiff kick in the balls?

I don't know if people would necessarily be willing to pay tips to that person though. (lol)

Here's an excerpt from your profile:
"Shivering on the floor? The writhing comes the closest to this, some moved slower and others thrashed a bit more than others, but all very enjoyable."

I like your style... ^_^. Do you enjoy watching the man squirm? And knowing that he just has to wait for the pain to ease up... and that no amount of squirming will help?

yes, I was actually hoping i caused some sort of horrific mangling of his manhood. It's the reason why i was obviously eager to find out any information on him. i would still be enjoying this today if I actually did rupture them and who knows, i may have.


Again, absolutely, I love thinking about his face at that moment. It has to be one of the best aspects of that experience, I absolutely love it. I haven't fantasized about how the face of a damaged man might look, but i may have already experienced that night.

Derek Blake said:

Hey Colette, you mentioned that after busting the guy who came at you, you checked up to see if he went to any hospitals, so presumably you were interested in knowing what kind of damage you caused him.  If it had turned out that you had "turned his nuts into nut butter", so ruptured one or both of them, do you think this would turn you on even more when you look back on it?

You said that you remember the look on his face when he was worried about his manhood after you kneed him - do you ever fantasize about what a guy's face would look like the moment after you popped one of his balls?

I do have an experience along these lines that i would absolutely love to share with you. It was when I was living in New Caledonia there was a Playboy that my friends and i referred to as Rico Suave. He was probably the local king of the one night stand, breaking hearts of the local female population. He send many of my friends swooning for him only to be dashed on the sand as he went on with his Playboy ways. I learned not to like him for the horrible way he treated my friends as well as other women. I always "fantasized" and wished for an opportunity to do what I do very well and that was to get within foot or knee shot of his bollocks. He didn't pay me any mind for a good three years, but one summer night just after the holidays I found myself alone at a beach bar reading my book as I sipped my cocktail. He came over and tried some of his moves on me which i actually found as silly. How women fell for him I haven't the foggiest, i guess it was his damn good looks. Anyway I asked him what he had in store for me, he told me that he would wine and dine and romance me, the same think he told my friends and probably every other woman he devastated. As he was trying to smooth talk me, he was also very grabby, i told him lets meet in the dunes behind the bar. He was facing me and I hit him with a nice knee, not my hardest, but i dropped him to the sand, he was on all fours the only thing he said was "oh mon Dieu(my god)". The only thing i said to him was "c'est pour tous les cœurs brisés (thats for all the broken hearts)". This only worked for a short while because about a year later he was at his old tricks again, but at least I stopped him him for a sort while and i enjoyed doing it, you can't beat that.

bonehead arthurs said:
have you ever busted a guy because he was being a pervert?how?explain the story

une histoire adorable - makes me want to become a playboy :)

This is a great interview Colette. I was very impressed with your reaction to the moron who attacked you. Having quite rightly kneed him in the balls. The fact that you gloated in his pain would have added to his misery. I know one woman who in your position would have tried to inflict even more pain on the man  by trying to grab his balls whilst he was down and other women who would have quickly left the scene  for their own safety. Can I ask, What would be your advice to other women if they were faced with the same situation as you?
I'm no expert at self defense, the best advise i can offer is is be aware of your surroundings and if you can, scream and yell and run. They need to draw attention to themselves quickly, but if you're pinned in an inescapable situation like i was, either go for the Adams apple,  the jewels or his knee or any combination. Hit whatever is easiest. I'm a dirty fighter so you know what I would do.

kickball12 said:
This is a great interview Colette. I was very impressed with your reaction to the moron who attacked you. Having quite rightly kneed him in the balls. The fact that you gloated in his pain would have added to his misery. I know one woman who in your position would have tried to inflict even more pain on the man  by trying to grab his balls whilst he was down and other women who would have quickly left the scene  for their own safety. Can I ask, What would be your advice to other women if they were faced with the same situation as you?

LOL, no, I'm not that adventurous or brave enough to be the Bush Woman of Golden Gate Park.


Yes, to me the writhe and squirm adds to the whole experience as do other aspects of the bust to include the look on his face, his moans and groans the reason he got it in the groin just so much to like.


Erica Ballbuster said:

Fisherman's Wharf eh?

That's not a bad idea wutcha... Colette, would you consider being the San Fransisco Bushwoman... Hide behind a some bush leaves and jump out at passers by with a stiff kick in the balls?

I don't know if people would necessarily be willing to pay tips to that person though. (lol)

Here's an excerpt from your profile:
"Shivering on the floor? The writhing comes the closest to this, some moved slower and others thrashed a bit more than others, but all very enjoyable."

I like your style... ^_^. Do you enjoy watching the man squirm? And knowing that he just has to wait for the pain to ease up... and that no amount of squirming will help?



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