Not sure if this has been posted before...but there is a classic bust in "The Girl Who Played With Fire" where the resourceful "avenging angel" heroine goes to work on two bulky bikers.

To begin with there's a nice kick to the nads of one biker. But it's her application of a taser to the nads of the second biker that is incredibly powerful (and hot, hot, HOT) to watch. She kicks the guy down, he falls onto his back, his legs spread, she holds him down by the arm, then places that taser on his vulnerable balls. He screams and his body spasms (in orgasmic motions), but it's the merciless, mocking look on her face as she tasers him that (I think) makes this scene such a powerful turn-on. It's like she's teasing "Awww, poor little boy!"

Hope you enjoy (as much as it turned me on, it still gave my male ego a slight beating...imagine all the female audience members who have enjoyed this unique example of ball-busting).

Reactions to the scene are welcome, of course.

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Love it, even been a really petite girl, she beats them quite easily, especially the first one, it amuse me how any woman can beat me doing that; spray in the eyes, a kick in the balls and he is crashed.

Thanks for the vid, really a big turn on



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