Hey everyone, I'm getting asked alot of the same questions so I thought id start an interview

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How far do you think you could go, busting a guy? Do you think you could be heartless enough to make him puke, pass out, rupture a nut, etc.?  And if so how would you want to do it? 

I would love to make someone like that would be the funniest thing ever haha I would probably rupture someone at one point hopefully but not right now. I would do it by getting him tied up and heating his nuts lol

Would u care if your busts affect bf fertility 

Yh I don't want a bf of mine damaged like that especialy if I want kids in the future

What do you think of squeezing?  Have you had any particularly fun experiences?

Omg I love squeezing!! I done it to my ex all the time. I loved to do it when we was out with each other we would be shopping and I would just squeeze him hard it was so funny

Did he usually have/get a big woody when you were squeezing his nuts?  I just have to assume with a gf like you he must have been hard a lot of he time.  ;)

Could you tell us about the worst bust you've done to a guy? As in, the hardest shot/worst reaction. 

Apart from the mousetrap I kicked my ex with pointy heels and kicked him with the pointy bit and only hit one ball lol he was on the floor gasping for ages then done for crouching thing for 10 mins

Owch. Were you guys together at the time?

Yes I've only busted him while we was together

What was the worst squeezing u have ever done? How did he react and how long did u have him by the balls? 



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