UPDATED: September 14, 2010.

A. I'm a female from the US Virgin Islands and my age changes every day.

Q. So how often do bust balls?
A. One or two times a year if it's a good year.

Q. Can u kick hard?
A. ? That's a stupid question, just read my damn profile.

Q. Do you bust guys or just like to think about it?
A. Read the damn profile.

Q. Do you want to bust my balls?
A. No, go ask your girlfriend.

Q. Would you pop any ones balls?
A. I'd have to be very angry with him.

Q. What was your inspiration for creating the Alpha Girls group and what do expect to achieve with this group?
A - I noticed while chatting with many of the women on this site that they are confident, independent very strong women. Many of them own their own business, they're Engineers, Architects, working single mothers, Law Enforcement and one is even a part time soldier. They really are Alpha Females. I want to thank Susan and Angela for the inspiration.
A- sorry, i missed the last part of your question. I think it will give girls a voice if they are not vocal, we have some pretty strong personalities in this group to include Susan and Mallory among others. I have to agree with what Susan said, we can't let what happened to Laura (L) ever happen again. I want the girls to know they don't have to be alone in this.

ATTENTION ALL MEMBERS: if you have any further questions to ask this individual please leave a reply comment below. No this does not replace the Chat Room or the Inbox, it just helps this individual streamline their time better on the site.

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No, i never look for these situations, they just happen on their own : )

Hi Carollyn, sometimes I come back to read your interview that I find always very interesting. But only now I saw that I never said thank you for kind answer. Sorry
I want say now adding also another little question....
What about these japanese tourists?..... what about your version of the World Cup?....
How it went?

Carollyn G said:

I know men find ball busting very sexy and fun, they love to give over control to the women, probably any women that's willing to do it. I remember some years back two Tourists from Japan that i became friendly with that were into "Tamakari ", i spent a lovely even with two wonderful gentlemen having our fun with our own version of the World Cup. I don't have issues with men the enjoy ball busting, i too have a fetish, this would be very hypocritical of me if i felt badly towards men that enjoyed it.

I was at a local tiki beach bar on a sunny sunday afternoon. I started chatting with these two Japanese tourists and we got to know each other very well. We must have been rappin a good 4 hours and sucking up the Red Stripe like water. Eventually my exploits of one of my busts, the Jamaican guy hustling for money was brought up by the bartender. This peaked their interest  and they started asking questions. They eventually found out by question and answer that I have had more then one bust in my pocket. At the end of the night they invited me up to their room and we partied the rest of the night there. This party included a lot of busting in between beers, music, room service and conversation. 

Do you think that ballbusting is an important part of empowering Alpha Females in the world? Do you feel like you can be open with other people that this is something you do, and does that give you power?

I want to see ballbusting Alpha Females running the world :-) I'm guessing you do, too!

Imagine, that you can kick so hard as you want, so many times as you want, your cheating bf.
How you will do it?
What happend wit his balls after it?)))



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