Hey guys, yogurt will make your balls bigger I suggest yogurt for breakfast.

Last sum­mer a team of researchers from the Massa­chusetts Institute of Technology set out to better understand the effects of yogurt on obesity. They were following up on the results of a long-term study from the Harvard School of Public Health that had suggested yogurt, more than any other food, helped to prevent age-related weight gain. The M.I.T. team, led by cancer biologist Susan Erdman and evolutionary geneticist Eric Alm, wanted to replicate the work in mice. The researchers took a group of 40 males and 40 females and either fed the animals a high-fat, low-fiber, low-nutrient diet meant to mimic junk food or fed them standard mouse meals. They then supple­mented half of each diet group with vanilla-flavored yogurt.

Their goal was to understand how a probiotic diet affects rates of obesity and its related compli­ca­tions, including cancer. But “the most entertaining aspects of all this were things we didn’t anticipate,” Erdman says.

First, the scientists noticed that the yogurt-eating mice were incredibly shiny. Using both traditional histology techniques and cosmetic rating scales, the researchers showed that these animals had 10 times the active follicle density of other mice, resulting in luxuriantly silky fur.

Then the researchers spotted some­thing particular about the males: they projected their testes outward, which endowed them with a certain “mouse swagger,” Erdman says. On measuring the males, they found that the testicles of the yogurt consumers were about 5 percent heavier than those of mice fed typical diets alone and around 15 percent heavier than those of junk-eating males.

More important, that masculinity pays off. In mating experiments, yogurt-eating males inseminated their partners faster and produced more offspring than control mice. Conversely, females that ate the yogurt diets gave birth to larger litters and weaned those pups with greater success. Reflecting on their unpublished results, Erdman and Alm think that the probiotic microbes in the yogurt help to make the animals leaner and healthier, which indirectly improves sexual machismo.

The findings could have implications for human fertility. In ongoing work, a team led by Harvard nutritional epidemiologist Jorge Chavarro has looked at the association between yogurt intake and semen quality in men. “So far our preliminary findings are consistent with what they see in the mice,” Chavarro says.

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Try not cumming

Tantra sex with your partner, getting to the higher sex through your whole body. Your balls will allways be filled with the cum of a teenager of 18 years old, that thick cum. they'd be bigger, and you can make love all day. Or have some ball torture fun for the ladies and guys.

The balls also get bigger, the sexual cum energy accummulates there. You just need to have good sex to let the energy stream through both the body of yourself and partner, takes some breathing and focus practise, nothing hard, it goes naturally when you understand the amazing energy that's within sex.

Most of my friends say im crayz, but for me its been the revolution of my sexual life and ballbusting:)

but i'll add some yoghurt to the tantra;)..haha


Getting your balls busted a lot makes them bigger. I know this from experience. And its a lot more fun than eating yogurt.

I don't know if it's a wise move to offer a bigger target for you ;)

Miss Jessika, thank you for this scientific finding! I am applying a thick layer of Organic Bulgarian yogurt on my ball sack as we speak. However, there are several questions:

- Is it indeed to be applied externally, or does one have to ingest it?

- Does it have to be 'vanilla-flavored' as in the study? How exactly does that matter when smearing it on my testes?

- What about the sexual machismo those mice exhibited? Can one realistically expect to fornicate with more mice this way?

As You can see, I am confused about its' proper usage, please advise. :) 



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