I have been wondering about this one.  I kind of egg girls on sometimes to get rough with the boys. I can't remember a time in my life where I was hurt seriously enough in the balls that I don't think I would have been able to fight back if I had to, but none the less, a lot of girls seem to have a 'all I have to do is hit/grab/knee you in the balls and you'll be crying on the floor' attitude. I normally just play along with it, because it eggs them on more and it turns me on, but I am wondering what you girls on the forum think about this. I mean, do you REALLY believe that in a 1 on 1 confrontation with a man, a man in good shape and  of average size, do you think you'd really be able to 'beat him up' as a result of going for the nuts?  Factor in that the guy IS expecting you to hit him...we're not talking about delivering a full force knee to an unexpecting perv who was not in the right mindset to block or fight back.


 I mean, I am in very good shape, im about 5' 10', I am pretty strong (bench over 230lbs) and I have lots experience with self defense and fighting...yet I still get girls who will say they think they can kick my ass by hurting my balls. Most of em I know are just playing, but every once in a while i'll talk to a real tough-acting girl who seems to actually believe it.  Just curious what the girls think about this.



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I'm not a female, but I'll add a little story to get the ball rolling.
On my wife's 30th birthday, we both got really drunk.
In the bedroom that night we got into a BB session. She had probably hit my bare balls at least 5 hard times already with her hands when I bent over on all fours for her. She then grabbed my sac at the base so that my balls were completely tight with no where to escape and smashed my balls with her other hand. Needless to say I went down and she released me from her grip. I tried to get back up right away and the pain brought me back to my knees. With this said, if someone wearing clothes (extra padding) got in a fight with a woman, good luck bringing him down with one hit where his balls have room to move with the force. She'd have to have professional soccer players legs and score a direct hit.
Any more input? Come on ladies...I am mainly interestested in seeing how many of you actually think that you could beat a guy up by using his balls in a real life situation. And i'm not saying that in a derrogatory way....I am not here to argue whether or not you can as I really don't know. Obviously I have never street faught a woman and probably (hopefully) never would be put into that situation lol I am just curious to see what YOU believe.
I just wonder if that whole tough girl act that a lot of girls seem to put on when joking about beating a guy up by utlizing his weaknesses is really an act or if girls actually believe it. I am sure there are mixed results here but I am curious to hear what all of you personally think.

Don't be silly you know and I know as well as every one on the this site knows that men are much stronger then women. It sounds like you don't like the fact that once in a while a female gets the better of a guy with one shot to the testicles. Sorry if that upsets you, I hope that puts an end to your man vs women fight.

tothelimit said:
Any more input? Come on ladies...I am mainly interestested in seeing how many of you actually think that you could beat a guy up by using his balls in a real life situation. And i'm not saying that in a derrogatory way....I am not here to argue whether or not you can as I really don't know. Obviously I have never street faught a woman and probably (hopefully) never would be put into that situation lol I am just curious to see what YOU believe.
I just wonder if that whole tough girl act that a lot of girls seem to put on when joking about beating a guy up by utlizing his weaknesses is really an act or if girls actually believe it. I am sure there are mixed results here but I am curious to hear what all of you personally think. \
Sarah, I think your taking my question the wrong way. I am not at all saying that girls can't beat up guys. I mean obviously I have an opinion on that but it is really irrelevant. I am not going to argue with a girl that thinks that she can "get the better" of a guy in a fight by using his testicles. She could be right. I lean towards thinking that most of the time a girl would lose, but even with guys being stronger the testicles really are in an awkward/vulnerable place that is very easy to attack if a guy doesn't know what he is doing or gets overly confident. So I could see an argument for both sides. What I am interested in is merely what you girls think? I just wonder how many, if any girls think that they can beat up guys by using their testicles or if they believe that it really makes no difference and that guys are bigger/stronger so they will win. Im not here to argue either which way or to find any 'truth' in the matter, I just want to see what you personally feel just out of curiosity. I'm very neutral

I only ask because I have known girls who joke around about kicking me in the nuts ect... in a taunting way (think "oh yea, well i'll kick you in the nuts and you'll cry" type stuff). Some of them openly say that they don't REALLY think they can beat me up...but I have actually had girls who I feel like were convinced they can beat up a guy by using his balls in a head to head conflict. I'm not doubting it, I am just wondering how most of you on the boards feel.
Maybe I can help with this, I made a blog entry "Tempt her....." Anyway the stripper that kicked me was swinging away at full force. She did miss the first two times but when she hit'em I was stunned and dazed and they were numb. She might have been 105 soaking wet, I'm about 250.
It isn't the pain in your balls that gets you, it's the shockwave in your nervous system that travels all over.

I think that in a fight between a man and woman, the man will have the advantage, presuming they are both of equal size and fighting skill.  At the unskilled level, its a lot of flailing around.  Guys are more accustomed to physical confrontations, so big edge for guys in unskilled.  Most people don't know how to fight, and fear is the single biggest factor involved.  Its why motivated people are dangerous to fight, and why crazy people are dangerous.

At the skilled level, imagine Chuck Liddell in his prime against Ronda Rousey.  Even with the balls as a target, standing up she's going to be outgunned.  Good luck getting in there Ronda.  It would change Chuck's strategy a little bit, since he'd be wary of taking her to the ground, and his kicks would have to be more carefully selected, even though high kicks aren't that common anyway, but overall it would be a bad day at the office for Rousey.  She'd have an ace in the hole, so in a way she'd have a chance the whole fight.  But Rousey is a first-round KO kind of fighter and she never kicks; a ground based woman might do better against a man.  That's just the pro level though, and pro level of MMA.

In wrestling, at the amateur level, I'd have to give the edge to the girl.  Even if she doesn't go after his balls, guarding them would dominate the guy's movement strategy the whole time, which would open up the rest of his body for attack, plus that fear would occupy his mind the whole time.  She could just wrestle freely and take the first chance she gets.

In boxing, edge to the woman.  The rules of boxing are structured around the "science" of boxing, which means among other things that balance in the rules is what makes it a sport.  Otherwise, there would be injuries all the time and nobody would have a career.  Give the woman his balls, and she'd have the edge, as long as she's a hard puncher and can take a few good shots.

In kickboxing...hell I don't know.  I'm not even sure about boxing, but I'd like to think a hard puncher who can take a few punches herself would stand a decent enough chance.  In kickboxing, Vix would know.

Now in the schoolyard, in elementary school, a tomboyish girl should always win.  Maybe some of you have stories, heh.

But overall, still the men have the edge in fighting.  The groin is not an easy target to hit, so its not like the testicles are out there, like breasts, for example.  Put Rousey against Liddell in a nude fight...it wouldn't last long.  Left to the boob, right hook on the button...over.  (The 'button' is the side of the jaw that when struck, knocks someone out instantly)

Anyway, hope that answers your question.



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