Maybe I'm too pessimistic, but I have the feeling that BB golden age is beyond us. Youtube deletes all BB videos because it wants to be politically correct.  BB stories ( I'm not talking about stories on KITG ) are very poor in quality. The best authors publish their stories on patreon, so you have to pay to get access. Some good blogspot died. Gay bb blogspot and furry bb blogspot are the only ones with daily updates nowadays.  Really annoying...

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We live in an age of censorship and prudery. A big part of the problem is that Big Brother Google and Faceboot bought up any real competition, so they now have a chokehold on the internet.

The only solution is political. Call your congressman today. Tell him that Google/Alphabet and Facebook have too much monopoly power, and regularly abuse that power to stifle free speech. It's time for Uncle Sam to dust off Teddy Roosevelt's trust-busting stick. Break up Big Brother Google! Break up Faceboot!
Nope man! Just start using duckduckgo instead of google, and wait for a youtube open source (or even better blockchain) alternative to it.
KIGT for me is like an oasis, but this is the only place in all the web where you can find something interesting, otherwise you have to read the same stories that you've already read forty times and hope that your favourite blog will survive. It's the same for videos and photos. Once upon time Knave's bb cartoons were everywhere on the Internet, now you have to pay, the same for the recent videos. Money, money, money...

Hey Diana what's up?

Yes I remember the old days with and other sites that had loads of stories and other content.

The good thing on the other hand is that it is more easy nowadays to hook up with other people with the same interest and share experiences. I am simply amazed by the fact that KITG has so many members and although I have only just started to use the forum and chat I can say now that have had some pretty interesting conversations.

And the best thing is that this site has managed to survive for so long thanks to the dedication and devotion of both its creators and members.

Yeah, my long list of archived favorite videos on Youtube were almost all removed. I personally prefer slick Holywood style busts to homemade Pornhub style material and it seems like there is vabishing content out there. 

KITG is definitely the bright spot in this world right now. Chatting with folks is even better than videos in many cases but it's not a replacement. that brings back memories.  It's too bad a site like that didn't survive, I wonder why not as there was certainly interest?  I remember the Hundra pages too.  Remember the days it would take several minutes for some videos to load or download lol?  Can't believe it's been 20 years, I wish those sites were archived or cloned someplace, lots of the material still exists but in 500 different places now and some was lost to history.  

TLCNET is still around -

Personally I don't think content on Youtube is getting deleted just because of an algorithm.  I think what is happening is that the algorithms may be influencing the placement of certain videos resulting from a keyword such as "knee in the groin" or something similar lower on the list of results. This might be caused by lack of popularity of the videos, in the same way search engines like Google put a popular website with many hits higher on the search results. What causes videos to get deleted and accounts being terminated is violations of the community guidelines or  the simple fact that some millenial snowflakes decide to click on the Report button because they lack maturity and cant' handle such content. Nowadays so much people get easily offended, I would like to say to them grow a pair of balls (so we can bust 'em)



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