My BB fetish seems deeply interconnected with my obsession with legs (which is intense). In general, I'm obsessed with a good pair of legs, esp. when well displayed. Sometimes, if I see a woman with a great pair of legs ( some killer heels), my mind naturally wanders to what she could DO with those legs. You can imagine the rest.

I feel like the connection is very intense. Almost as if the seductive force of the legs is is due to their power and what they could do. 

How about other BB fans who are guys? Do you feel similarly. And for females, do your legs feel like vehicles of power? Do you view them this way and maybe even dress to reinforce it?

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Honestly, I do wear clothing that shows off my legs. Shorts in summer and tights in cold weather (spandex or wool tights). Having this fetish of kicking/kneeing the boys brings more attention to my legs and showing them off.

like  a head is to thinking, an arm is to holding, and a fist is to fighting, i veiw  legs to ballbusting and femdom, clothing as dressing and accesorys and shoes as weppons, combanation and peformance; artistic.

Same here i kinda thought my fetish for getting kicked and me being attracted to nice legs was outta the ordinary which im guessing it probably is. Its just something about my gf's sexy a** legs that just really makes me like getting kicked even more and so on. So ya man ur not alone on this one x-)

Awesome. This makes it all the better for me. The idea that you are teasing us guys with your weapons of choice is soooo sexy. Kind of like, look but don't touch or else you can see what I can do to you. 

Thank you. 

Sharon said:

Honestly, I do wear clothing that shows off my legs. Shorts in summer and tights in cold weather (spandex or wool tights). Having this fetish of kicking/kneeing the boys brings more attention to my legs and showing them off.

I love the fact that men are into legs like this (and feet). I'm very narcissistic about my legs (as well as feet)  and i too love showing them off and using them to give pleasure to my bf.

I'm also into legs. Especially when in nylon. This makes me go insane just to look at it. And when nylonclad legs hit the groin this is the real deal for  me!



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