Aside from standing and taking kicks and knees, (which is awesome, don't get me wrong) what are some of the more interesting ways you've discovered to bust balls/get busted?

For example:

One of my favorites is when me and my girl are laying in bed facing each other, my face between her boobs and her knee between my legs. She lays on top of my right arm, and pins my left to her body using her arm.  That way I'm left totally defenseless and she can knee me in the balls as much as she wants.  This position also keep her hands free, so sometimes she will just be on her phone, ignoring me while she wrecks my nuts.  All i can do is moan into her tits and beg for mercy.

Anybody have any creative suggestions?

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Do your balls hang over the edge, or rest on the chair?

Over the edge normally but either is good

Just on that whole getting kicked from behind, I had one mistress that loved having to chairs each side so I would have my knees on both chairs forcing my legs opened the entire time, I had to take each kick one by one, I couldn't close my legs and fall to my knees because it was impossible unless I wanted to have a huge fall, it was a great idea to make my legs stay opened in the one position, I remember taking one hell of a heavy kick out f that and I just wanted to slump, their was sweet pouring off me and it was in the middle of winter. I remember when she stopped kicking (with boots mind you) it was hard to stand up from that postion I just wanted to crash to the ground in agony.

other positions love being on my knees facing to see the kicks with legs opened, the problem with standing is I flinch to much and see it coming, and I see it to much on videos too the man flinches and moves cheating as the kick comes. it's very hard to stand still legs open and see a kick coming, it's those damm reflexes

damn that chair thing is pretty creative. and yeah, it can be hard to overcome the natural instinct to not let a woman kick you square in the balls haha



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