Welcome to the dark side

BDSM is needlessly reviled

by Michelle Gordon (Volunteer)

The Phoenix

KELOWNA, B.C. (CUP) – There are many alternative lifestyles that range from mild to wild in our everyday lives. But are any of them as overlooked as BDSM? This is a multilevel lifestyle that encompasses all that a person is – whether they are a bedroom kinkster or a full-blown pervert. 

The actual term BDSM is a layered acronym. The B and D stand for bondage and discipline, while D and S stand for dominance and submission. A commonly related acronym, S&M, stands for sadism and masochism. 

Many people attach a bad stigma to the BDSM world and especially to the term S&M. The news continually points out misguided people who commit heinous crimes as being “sadistic.” This is due to the fact that a sadist does enjoy watching their partner suffer whether it is through sensation or pain. Any reasonable sadist knows, however, that this must be done consensually. Hence, the BDSM catchphrase of “safe, sane and consensual.”

Read More http://uniter.ca/view/2928/

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Nice, short, to the point... the most important thing here is that for many of us who lean this way it is a genuine need



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