UPDATED: September 16, 2010.

A. God, I really hate that question. Are you 10 years old?

Q. I love your picture on your profile, are those your legs?
A. Thank you. Yes, those are my legs.

Q - so how did u get involved in the bb community?
A - In the Internet community? My first experience was on Kramtoad, i filled out the survey in 2008. I had a lot of correspondence via email because of that and i had numerous chats on messenger. My next progression in the community was to join kicked in the groin back in March, 2010.

Q. When you ballbust guys do you ever care if you hit the cock too, or is it all about testicles?
A. it's about the testicles, but the cock hit is a bonus

Q. What's your favorite part of this site?
A. 1) Chat 2) RealBustStories (The Blog) 3) the Forum 4) and now the interview section.

Q. Did you ever hit some one so dead on that you felt sorry for them cause it looked like it really fucked them up?
A. Not yet, but I'm still fairly young.

Q. I'm a little shy about asking questions, is it OK to ask you about ballbusting?
A. It's a fetish oriented site and that fetish is ball busting, I'm not shy about that. Ask away.

ATTENTION ALL MEMBERS: if you have any further questions to ask this individual please leave a reply comment below. No this does not replace the Chat Room or the Inbox, it just helps this individual streamline their time better on the site.

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I love the question you inserted about "What's your favorite part of this site?" i shall be sure to ask some people that and I dig how you ordered it. but you forgot the Alpha girls hahaha... anyway I appreciate your contribution to this site and to the BB community.

Q. Do you share the BB fetish with your bf and if you do do you overwhelm him with your BB desires?

Q. Seeing that you come from Kramtoad and then to our site KITG, do you see a big difference in the community here versus there?

Q. Since joining this website in what ways do you feel differently about the fetish or are your thoughts and desires for BB about the same?

May I ask what you find so sexy about ballbusting? I know your profile says the arousal factor, but what makes it arousing?


Thanks. :-)

Answer: the honest fact that I'm hitting the man in his "manhood". The things that makes him a man is also his weakest link that can be easily taken advantage because they're so vulnerable. That vulnerability is very sexy to me and it becomes arousing to just do it.

Used said:

May I ask what you find so sexy about ballbusting? I know your profile says the arousal factor, but what makes it arousing?


Thanks. :-)

do you like ballbusting in movies? What reaction do you usually have from seeing it?
Movie busting are OK, this depends on the scene and how it's portrayed. As long as it isn't a cheesy scene it can get me quite aroused. If in a comedy, i laugh along with everyone else. One time when i was in college a group of us spent a Saturday watching movies, one of the movies was "Stripes" and in a particular scene one of the female soldiers kicks or knees a guy in the balls very hard and down the guy goes. What made me laugh more then the bust scene was the way all the guys in the room reacted to the bust. A lot of "Oh Fucks", "Holy Shits", "OOWWWW" and "OOOOOOFS" from our male friends. I loved how all the girls in the room laughed at their reactions.

smegmatic said:
do you like ballbusting in movies? What reaction do you usually have from seeing it?

Hi Alice, I was wondering, do you ever feel sorry for us guys after we've been hit in our poor balls? Or do you feel a sense of justice?


Also, I always cringe when I see a ballbusting in a movie or TV show and feel really awkward when I'm around smiling women watching the same show. Do you still enjoy how uncomfortable it makes guys to be reminded of their vulnerability so publicly?



what are some of the reasons you would bust a guy? I mean if he desereves it (doesnt ask for it)
Well you can almost imagine some of the reasons why I would, I'll say the biggest reason why I've busted guys was because of their total lack of respect for my person or my opinion. Thinking women are play objects or second class to them so they end up getting it in the balls.

Addy said:
what are some of the reasons you would bust a guy? I mean if he desereves it (doesnt ask for it)
when i do it, i feel a total sense of justice because most of the time it's totally justified and if it's not it means it's a session bust between two consensual adults. Sorry Used, but i find it sexy when you guys get hit in your poor balls by me.

Used said:

Hi Alice, I was wondering, do you ever feel sorry for us guys after we've been hit in our poor balls? Or do you feel a sense of justice?


Also, I always cringe when I see a ballbusting in a movie or TV show and feel really awkward when I'm around smiling women watching the same show. Do you still enjoy how uncomfortable it makes guys to be reminded of their vulnerability so publicly?



Oops sorry, a two part question. I love how that happens, how men get uncomfortable around women when we all see that happen together. I guess like you said it makes him realize his vulnerability around the people (women) he least wants to show that to, i love it...totally love it.

Used said:

Hi Alice, I was wondering, do you ever feel sorry for us guys after we've been hit in our poor balls? Or do you feel a sense of justice?


Also, I always cringe when I see a ballbusting in a movie or TV show and feel really awkward when I'm around smiling women watching the same show. Do you still enjoy how uncomfortable it makes guys to be reminded of their vulnerability so publicly?



have you ever busted a guy because he was being a pervert?explain?

bonehead arthurs said:
have you ever busted a guy because he was being a pervert?explain?



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