This site welcomes anyone interested in the kicking, kneeing & hitting of guys or gals below the belt. It hosts videos, images, and discussions relating specifically to this topic. Please be aware that this site IS NOT a DATING SERVICE or a place to SOLICIT yourself or others. This is unacceptable behavior and If you wish to do this, please find another site to join. This site is meant to be a non sexually oriented social atmosphere for ballbusting and cuntbusting enthusiasts. Its a taboo topic so, please If you are under 18 or this activity is not your cup of tea, please do not continue further and exit the site. If you are intrigued and have questions or comments please feel free to reply below - OR - create a unique discussion thread on the forum - OR - send a message to dvhour (site admin)

This website is a social network and repository for CB and BB material. Please note we DO NOT feature NUDITY in here. All the content featured is free and lives in the public domain on TV, in movies, the media or various published material from around the web. Anyone can post content, but --> PLEASE DO NOT POST NUDITY, LEWD IMAGERY (this means anything that barely covers, undies, oily wrestle hand grabby pix) and PLEASE DO NOT POST STUFF FROM PAID WEBSITES.

I want to set the tone for this website: we do not endorse sexist, racist or other reckless behaviors towards others in here. This is a civilized, respectful user friendly environment to gays, lesbians, straights, ballbusters, cuntbusters, women, men, all cultures and all ethnicities. If you wish to express your hostilities to any of these groups, please take this attitude somewhere else. I mean seriously our fetish is taboo we are already marginalized enough by people in society, and that kind of behavior will not be tolerated in here. When posting your thoughts in public we encourage creativity, role play and open playful dialog on any topic, but please be mindful not to harass people or be disrespectful. Also, please do not upset the balance of this environment by going around propositioning or soliciting like this is some kind of cheap juvenile dating service. Treat people the way you would as if you are meeting them on the street for the first time face to face. Basically just act like you have some common sense and be conscientious of the comfort level of the males and the females participating in this community.

Frequently Asked Questions


Why don't you use material from paid websites?
Its ILLEGAL, plus being a past BB content owner of usbbonline, i'm still furious seeing the few clips running rampant on the web. Lets respect and support the BB content providers, they really work hard. It takes food off their table if you do not support their work, we really should be supporting our content providers by setting guidelines like HELL no we won't allow you to post that in here. I'm totally against using pay BB content on a free site unless its authorized. Why are you so against nudity? This site was ment to be a non sexually oriented ballbusting and cuntbusting site. The Fem-Dom market is totally flooded I just want to offer a mainstream PG-rated BB web community. Though the site appears to be primarily male-female material, it is my personal preference because I'm a straight dude into m/f ballbusting, but we want more people to contribute and either send in links they want uploaded or they can upload the file themselves, but no nudity and nothing from Paid websites.

Are there any other sites like yours?
sure just check out the links page there's a growing list. If you see a site not mentioned please leave a comment, I will check out the site and if its legit I will most definitely list it.

Why don't you have video clips for download
First of all be grateful damn it I"m doing this site out of support for the Busting community. Youtube is totally unwilling to host our fetish material so we have to find more enterprising ways to fend for ourselves. Rapidshare and the rest of the file sharing sites are annoying at best - we need a media hosting ground that we can call our own.

How often will you update the site?
I will be updating a lot for the first month because we are new. But keep in mind this is not just my community. This is your community too and though I screen all material uploaded I do hope that you all will contribute something to the community. That is what will keep this site healthy.

You feature cuntbusting and m/m busting, are you gay and do you hate women?
No I'm not gay, and I'm most certainly not a misogynist. I am supportive of whatever form of Busting group decides to join this site. Except we don't condone busting with animals or children... but will will make an exception for Elmo and that damn Burger King dude. We are small community and many may not comprehend our BB or CB interests so we must protect each other and be supportive of our freaky ways. We can't go around running people out or be disgusted at someone else's favorite poison. I don't care WTF anyone says in this particular case I will do my damnedest to be my brother's and sister's keeper. Hence we have this site to help support a gap in the community.

Why do you keep deleting my search for a busting buddy posting?
I want to set the tone here, this approach never bodes well in the threads, so lets keep that separate and have you posted your search for a busting buddy in the Connections thread!


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Replies to This Discussion

can anyone help with viewing the videos,they dont seem to work for me,thank you very much



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