This site welcomes anyone interested in the kicking, kneeing & hitting guys or gals below the belt. We encourage creativity, role play, playfulness, intelligence, and common sense dialog on ANY topic, and not just limited to ballbusting or cuntbusting. Please be mindful not to harass, be disrespectful or project hostility on this website, it will not be tolerated. 

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After many attempts I managed to add some photos but now they are gone. Were they removed, if so a word of why would be helpful or is just a failing in the site somewhere ?

Hello Sobdosst.. Not sure what photos that you attempted to upload but hopefully i can answer your question. 

The only photos that can be uploaded to this site are of CB and BB photos. You can't upload pictures of yourself or of your dog or anything other they have to be ballbusting or cbusting. 

The other thing to note is that we do not allow paid content bb or cb sites to be featured on our site EXCEPT when the actual producer (owner) of that bb or cb content uploads it their self. This means anyone who owns a paid BB or CB site and makes money from it. If its a free youtube video then its fair game but again there are producers our there who offer free content who may not want you to upload their content so its best to ask them before you do that.

The last thing to note is that we do not accept nudity, any photos of anyone under the age of 18, animal abuse and we use our discretion with certain lewd picts... 

this is not to say that you have done any of this subdosst but if you give me an idea of what you posted i will try to see how to help you better. I hope this helps sir. :) 

Thanks for the reply.

Can you just clarify this point. You do not accept nudity, so if the person getting busted is naked then that is not permissible material for this site then ?

hello Mr Subdosst. Zero nudity means Zero nudity be it man or woman or cartoon. :) 

Hello Jeremy I do not see any story by you or your gf in the queue  so sadly I am not sure which story you are referring to...normally will not delete a story without sending a comment to the author. Can you please see if you can get her to resubmit. Oh one more thing Please be aware that we do have a real bust section for stories => and a fiction section for stories =>

I have a video clip on my hd and, maybe I'm being dense here, but can't figure out how to upload it - site seems to only allow links to youtube, vimeo, etc.

Hey guys! Sorry to bug you... We see the gif made it, but it doesn't seem to be animating (did we post it wrong, or is it too big of a file?) We're pretty bad with these things. We don't mind re-posting a smaller version -if that's the problem.

The file is animated to me if you load the image.  I think maybe ning just doesn't have anigif support for it.

Great pic, btw! :)

Click VIEW FULL SIZE and gif comes to life :)

Hello ;]

You said: "You can't upload pictures of yourself or of your dog or anything other they have to be ballbusting or cbusting".

Ok it is clear about it but that means I cant even put some simple photo of me, which is only seen in my profile? (not as a public photo).

Second question: Nudity includes photos/videos with person only with pants?  Thank You for the answers ;-)


Wimpy, anyone can join this group to share non-bb pics of themselves--but please, no nude, lewd

or underwear shots. Thanks.

Ok thank You :) no more troubles then :)



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